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smells like flowers

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Everything posted by smells like flowers

  1. Was just making dinner and put on Radiohead "The Bends," and was hit with this very visceral memory of how I used to feel when I listened to that-- driving down canopied roads in the dark, with the top down of my little white convertible. The stars pressed down and the music made it feel like the car could literally lift up off the road into the sky above the trees. Something about the combination of the songs on that record (especially Black Stars and the last track, Fade Out), the night sky, and the air rushing over me made it feel like flying. Anyone care to share a similar experience,
  2. Went to Solid Sound last year with a Wilco newbie, who I tried to indoctrinate by sharing all my faves... (ST, YHF, AGIB) but she surprised me by liking W(TA) the most. Most immediately accessible, I guess? It's still never gotten under my skin, but to each her own...
  3. I live in North Florida, so spring has done sprung! It's been gorgeous since mid-Feb.
  4. My birthday #1 song is kind of lame (Henry Mancini's theme from Romeo & Juliet) but I think I want to listen to this Billboard Birthday radio station!
  5. It reminds me of a goofy slumber party picture or a boardwalk photo booth picture. I like it!
  6. Watching that made my heart beat faster. I fucking love Wilco. Old songs heard with new ears: Blackbird - Beatles. Heard this driving in the car one day and was bowled over by it's simplistic beauty. Wendell Gee - REM. Was un-decorating the Christmas tree and was moved nearly to tears by the line, "There wasn't even time to say goodbye to Wendell Gee, so whistle as the wind blows, whistle as the wind blows with me." One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer - George Thorogood. I know! I heard this on the radio, driving to the Jacksonville airport, and I was listening to GT tell the story
  7. At least it's well-written: "weary, Wilco-swaddled bones" is a great phrase.
  8. I was thinking along these same lines today... about where I was in my life when when earlier Wilco albums came out and how the emotional elements of the songs hit home (for example, being in a long-distance relationship, madly in love, and listening to "At My Window, Sad & Lonely" or whatever that song is called on Mermaid Avenue pt 1.) Yes, the songs on WTA don't have much of an emotional impact and they don't feel like Jeff is pouring his heart out. I guess that encapsulates what drew me to Wilco, and kept me there over the years... the immediacy of the lyrics, and feeling some (imagi
  9. Wow. That was something! I think sobriety's working for Jeff.
  10. I agree with this 100%. When Nels plays lap steel "in the country style," it doesn't sound or feel like the real article. The country songs on AM do.
  11. The screams SO do it for me. Not even really in a sexy way... just a heart-pounding, fuck-it-all way.
  12. I love that idea, but what if the entire album was the yet-to-be-released one? That raises an interesting possibility (which has been thoroughly discussed in another thread)...
  13. I did the same thing; clicked the link at exactly 10:30, typed in the password, and got the red message back: SOLD OUT. It did feel a little bait-and-switchy, because of course I bought the early worm $99 ticket instead. When they said "limited," I guess they really meant it! No, I'm not bitching, but it was a little bit disappointing to the cheapskate in me. Anyhow, at this point, waiting for the new record, and contemplating a ticket to Jazzfest.
  14. My cup runneth over. TWO HEADLINE SHOWS! Last year, in spite of how incredible the event was, I left there thinking I needed more Wilco. I mean, after the "Evening With" shows running at 3 hours, I figured we'd get at least that much. Now, with two nights, it's going to be full saturation. Sigh.
  15. Yeah, that was a great show! But I feel too hemmed in at the Florida Theatre... there's always that "Stand Up/Sit Down" tension, where folks who want to rock out are in the way of those who want to remain in their seats. Can't understand why people would want to sit through a Wilco show. (Unless they have a bad back or something). **Speaking of favorite Florida Wilco shows, mine was many moons ago in Gainesville, during the YHF tour. Jeff said that the roadies picked the set list, and the band played all the balls-to-the wall songs like Monday, Casino Queen, Outta Site, etc. I was in hea
  16. Heard a local band do a cover of "Acuff-Rose" last night. Scorching fiddle throughout -- it totally made my night!
  17. Was just listening to Fables of the Reconstruction while taking the ornaments off the Christmas tree. I doubt I've heard this album all the way through in many, many years. But the closing song, Wendell Gee, just hit me like a mack truck. God, that's a sad and beautiful song.
  18. For comedy, Jon Wurster. If the rest of Superchunk want to come, too, that would be even better! A crowd of Wilco-lovers would surely appreciate the softer side of the Chunk, should they wish to reveal it live.
  19. As long as we're speculating about 2011 tour dates, I want to put in a plug for the beautiful St. Augustine Amphitheatre. It's a fantastic award-winning venue. Rumors abounded last fall that Wilco was negotiating for a date there on the "Evening with Wilco" tour, but it never materialized. They played in Savannah instead. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for North Florida!
  20. Ditto for The National. I tried, I reallly did, but I don't get the appeal.
  21. Oh, just remembered this one: "Back Door Santa" by Clarence Carter. 'Nuff said!
  22. God, yes! That vibes solo slays me every time!
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