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Everything posted by quarter23cd

  1. No kidding. Give me one night, a couple bottles of whiskey, and seven packs of cigarettes and I'll give you my Tom Waits impersonation.
  2. I went to one of those scab games at RFK. It was great, there was some WR who had like 300 yards receiving for the Skins in that game. That dude was phenomenal. Good times. Edit: God bless the internet
  3. I'd rather have Garcia back, personally. I was way too much up UTs azz in the mid-90s, shortly after they broke up and I was pissed I never saw them together. Years later, to my ears, the UT material doesn't strike me as being as great as it once did. PS--If we're doing a back-in-time machine and I can pick the year, then Garcia definitely wins.
  4. Yep. As it stands, the only ones (of the ones I've had the opportunity to see) I've paid for is up to $30ish for Wilco and I think probably around $10 for Son Volt when they were touring for Trace. I don't think I'd go much over those amounts. There was a time I would have paid a lot for a Tupelo show. Nowadays I'd give it about $10, which is probably back to about what it would have cost me back in the day. The circle of life continues...
  5. I'm sure it will happen, eventually, but if he is serious about staying sober I think he might wait a bit longer before jumping back into that circus.
  6. At least half of those guys played for the Redskins at some point, so I feel your pain.
  7. Sometimes when you lock into a really good "Tweezer" jam you lose all track of time. Appointments? What appointments??
  8. Indeed. I'd love to see the Fridge come out of retirement for this game:
  9. That's a good one, too. Wish it was longer. Isn't that just the first set of the show?
  10. This will clearly usher in a new era of thumb-piracy. Those with the best music collections had best wear iron gloves to protect themselves from having their thumbs severed and music collections stolen.
  11. I've not seen them, but I have heard they are awesome. And there's nothing wrong with going to a show alone. I've done it many times. (sometimes I even prefer it)
  12. What a lousy championship matchup. We need a playoff! Oh wait, wrong thread...
  13. That step is optional. I forgot to try this last night.(not the chicken part) Her congestion was a little better, although when she woke up for her 3:00 feeding she was really hard to get back to sleep. I don't think lathering her up with vapor rub would have been soothing at that point. She probably would have been up for hours going, "WTF is that #@!$ on my feet??!"
  14. The Truckin>Drums>The Other One>El Paso>The Other One>Wharf Rat is godly. Maybe my favorite Other One anywhere. The Dark Star jam on Disc 4 is no slouch either. This was taken from multiple nights but, amazingly, the whole thing does have the flow of a single show. The first two discs are very song-based--and very good versions, too. The only long ones there are the Pigpen numbers--a great Good Lovin on disc 2. Disc 3 and 4 are where the jams are.
  15. I dunno about the contest, but now I'm thirsty.
  16. I almost bought the Rhein set recently when I got an iTunes gift cert for xmas and I ended up buying the Steppin' Out set, which I looooove. I will definitely get the Rhein set at some point, but I figured I needed to take a step away from '72 for a little while. I'm not sure I could ever burn myself out on it, but there's lots of other good stuff out there, too.
  17. As far as official releases go, lately I've been listening a ton to the Ladies and Gentlemen (71) and Steppin' Out (72) sets, both of which are also compiled from multiple shows, and those releases are just about flawless in my eyes. I could listen to them endlessly...and have....which is partly why I figured I needed to give myself a break.
  18. Has anyone else bought the Road Trips set yet? I just got mine yesterday and am giving it my first cursory listen. '79 is part of an era that is under-represented in my collection, and I've been on a huge GD kick lately (albeit mostly an early-70s one, which is a different beast) so this collection seemed like a good idea for broadening my horizons. (plus I fell for the "buy now and get the bonus disc!" thing, because the bonus disc looks arguably better than disc 1) I hope so, anyway. So far disc one is leaving me kind of cold. I have high hopes for disc 2 and 3, tho, so I'm not to compl
  19. I am totally going to try this foot thing tonight. My little one has had a lot of nose congestion, so she hasn't been feeding very well because she can't breathe when she's drinking her bottles. Is there any particular reason for the feet to be the place to put the vapor rub?
  20. Right. "The economy" is a term that covers a lot of ground and means different things to different people. For instance, many people would say the economy has been "good" much of this decade. Perhaps this is true--in fact, I know people who have done very well in the stock market in recent years. "Takes money to make money", I guess, and those people I know who already had money, by and large, have more of it now. Those of us working stiffs who don't have much of a portfolio to speak of--our experience of "the economy" translates to whether we're getting laid off our jobs or not. For me
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