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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. I agree. We've made a decision that there will be no video games involving violence (outside of something like Madden 2020) allowed in our house. My guess is that they'll play them at a friends house or wherever else, but it will be with an understanding of just how stupid they are, how much we disagree that they're even out there and that they in no way should translate to one's views on how to act in 'real life'. I never thought i'd say that, but games like Grand Theft Auto offer no value to anybody and they are a little different than throwing down w/ Evil Otto on this: On that tip, my
  2. Damn. I'll try and re-upload it later.
  3. There you go. Most issues come from the individuals interpretation of the tennants of their faith (whatever it may be) or, conversely, their disbelief. I believe that regardless of what you do or don't believe, an invidual is responsible for their own actions and should be held accountable. To use sweeping generalizations and place blame on 'religion' versus the individuals who may do awful things in it's name, shows the same level stereotyping and intolerance many accuse said religious groups of. There is indeed a 'Golden Rule' and it is up to each of us to struggle as best we can to follow i
  4. Man, I love Netflix. Loading up the queue w/ some music stuff i've wanted to check out: DJ Shadow & Cut Chemist: Freeze LET'S ROCK AGAIN SCRATCH
  5. Nope, I love the Beatles. I'm just saying that it's completley plausible someone could 'hate' the Beatles w/out being 'crazed'...Mark David Chapman exlcuded. Back to the subject, in said article what did Mayer say/do that pissed you off so bad, Lou? Did he actually compare himself to these blues greats ala Hounddog Taylor you think all John Mayer fans should listen to or what? I'll just say, while not my cup of tea, he's written some great pop songs, plays some decent guitar, likes to dabble in the blues and his success he's found with all of that looks pretty deserved to me. Plus, it look
  6. or just really don't happen to like their music?
  7. Thanks, glad you like it. I highly reccomend TC's 'Cosmic Game' that tune came off of...a lot of good electronic/dub-oriented stuuf that makes Lebanese Blonde look ho-hum (which it is). Dl'ed yours, just haven't got a chance to listen.
  8. I saw him on his tour for his second album w/ my sis and wife, who are both big fans. I was surpised at how much it actually didn't suck. I was pretty bored for a majority of it, but as it's been said...the guy is good guitar player. Plus, the hot college babe per sq. ft. at that show was staggering.
  9. i'll be damned if i don't totally want a cuban sandwich for lunch now. which blows, as Libertyville, IL isn't really known for them.
  10. look at who i'm working with here. besides, he started it.
  11. greet people by saying 'thanks for coming to denny's, can I take your order?'
  12. Wow. No cultural elitism or classist digs here. Yikes.
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