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Oil Can Boyd

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Everything posted by Oil Can Boyd

  1. I liked it a lot. I'm curious to see how it works as an HBO show ...
  2. Watched What's Eating Gilbert Grape last night, probably for the first time since I saw it in the theater. Still liked it ...
  3. I realize that this is the Now Watching thread but I saw Colum McCann read from his new book last night (but I had him sign my copy of Let the Great World Spin). When I saw Philippe Petit read a couple of weeks ago I noticed a couple of people had him sign copies of McCann's Let the Great World Spin. I mentioned this to McCann and he thought it was funny - and then he drew a little doodle of Petit in my book.
  4. The one time I saw Petty was good enough for me. Actually I ended up preferring him to the headliner (Bob Dylan).
  5. I read this a couple months ago but I just saw him do a reading/Q&A and it was great. Pretty interesting guy.
  6. I was at the Burren in Davis Square last night and there was an acoustic bluegrass/folk band playing in the corner. At one point they played a nice version of Sky Blue Sky.
  7. Fantastic, as always. Came on at 9:00 and finished at 12:30 (with a break in the middle). Played a couple of new songs and a mix of stuff from all of their albums. Very few covers in the main two sets (only REM's Shaking Through) but pulled out new and old covers for the five or so encores. A great time.
  8. Yes indeed. They got back together about five years ago and play occasional shows. The shows are pretty much all between the Washington DC to Boston route 95 corridor. And every one I've seen has been fantastic.
  9. That's a great one. About a year ago I saw him open for another band. I did not know him but he was fantastic.
  10. Well this is disappointing: http://www.vanyaland.com/2014/05/29/lost-angeles-exene-cervenka-x-thinks-santa-barbara-shooting-massacre-hoax/
  11. True. Maybe I can bring a lawn chair and yell at the younger people who block my view.
  12. Nice pics and review(s). I'm going in the fall and already feel like I'm going to be the oldest person there. I'm curious how the Replacements will be received ...
  13. Just watched this (The Way Way Back) again, this time with my daughter, and I really like it. As someone said, it's a minor pleasure rather than a major work but it's funny and well done and Sam Rockwell is great.
  14. Oh sure. I met him. There were four of us in the dressing room before the show: me, my friend Mark, Paul, and Grant. And then a fifth guy, who Grant met at a bookstore earlier in the day, joined us. Small world indeed.
  15. Well there's a 3/28 chance I know that person ...
  16. For "Turn on the News" he just nicely said no but for "Diane" he went on a bit about why he has stopped playing it. In short he said that he got uncomfortable with the subject matter and added "for 30 years I've been singing about the murder of a 15 year old girl ..."
  17. Despite the fact that it was a 100-seat venue and there were no advance tickets, as you note, he's not even selling out places like that, which is a shame. It was a funny night. As my friend and I walked toward the venue Grant was outside about a block away. We stopped to chat and then we all went in together and hung out in his dressing room until the opener went on stage. When Grant started there were maybe 25 people in a u-shape around the stage. He sang a few songs from his new record and then turned to the person on the left and asked what they wanted to hear. And then he went pers
  18. Grant Hart - I hope. He's playing at a small place and there are no advance tickets.
  19. I saw Philippe Petit speak last night and it was pretty cool. His talk (on his new book about creativity) was pretty interesting but the whole time I was watching him I was thinking "that's the crazy guy who walked between the WTC towers ..."
  20. Malik Bendjelloul, the director, committed suicide: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/14/movies/malik-bendjelloul-36-dies-directed-sugar-man-movie.html?_r=0
  21. Being in and around Boston for most of my life, I'm surprised I haven't read this before now.
  22. Thankfully there were only a couple of them. I can still remember being excited when I first got a tape of them playing it (3/1/69) and then about one minute in thinking "this is dreadful."
  23. Ha! When I walked out of last night's Slint show I turned to take a picture of the marquee and they had already changed it to the Milk Carton Kids. I thought the Slint show was great. Britt Walford is a monster. They were very tight. Not much chatter or interaction, either with the audience or each other.
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