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Everything posted by nalafej

  1. I was on the lookout at Merriweather Post and Pat was very engaged! I think we can end the watch.
  2. Agree. I mean, a track with Glenn, Spencer and Andy Shauf (today's release) deserves compensation. I'm so delighted to see that Andy and Jeff collaborated on this.
  3. That is super funny. Oh man, The Way was an ear worm for me for a solid year back when it came out.
  4. Great narrative from VC’s reigning content champ, bbop, as always! It was a nice night to ‘check in’ with Wilco. I thought it was a fine performance from the band. It really seemed liked they picked up where they left off in 2019 which is probably both a good thing while at the same time perplexing. My favorite moments of the night were the opening number, The End, Always in Love and the first two songs of the encore. I think Jeff has done a great curatorial job with the setlist. That said, spontaneity is a good thing and the OTJ songs really just don’t match the quality o
  5. I can transfer these to you via livenation app. paypal/venmo payment would be best.
  6. I can smell this review. Thanks for the great recap, as always. I was sorta hoping their limited time allotment on this tour might spark the same setlist creativity that we saw on Americanarama, but I guess as headliners they feel obligated to stick to the favorites. I'm really looking forward to catching the tour at Merriweather Post next week.
  7. Hope so too! Looked like they were singing along to Theologians. That could be another option.
  8. I have a ticket for Vegas at this point. Never seen them in Nevada and the venue (Brooklyn Bowl) doesn't look bad. I saw Thievery Corporation/ Gnarls Barkley at "The Beach at Mandalay Bay" a bunch of years ago. I imagine it would be pretty weird for Wilco's Ode to Joy tour (of all tours) but maybe resemble Sky Blue Sky a little? Feels like there are more suitable venues in Southern CA they could do like the Greek. Maybe even the Greek in Bay area. Hopefully they don't have to postpone again.
  9. Seeing as they are moving shows from indoor venues to outdoor venues for shows taking place this week, it seems likely that the October tour is in flux. I bet they could find some workable outdoor venues in the SW but the NW in October doesn't seem doable.
  10. First new song in 13 years releasing tonight
  11. Nels Cline: Consentrik Quartet (Nels + Ingrid Laubrock, Chris Lightcap, Tom Rainey) opens for Tedeschi Trucks Band at the Beacon Sept 30.
  12. Jeff and Nels at Mass Moca next month! https://massmoca.org/event/jeff-tweedy-2021/. Tickets from $45 are much more approachable than the Brooklyn shows (!!) The Nels Cline 4 have shows next weekend: https://sites.google.com/view/thenelscline4fathersday/
  13. Don't know anything definitive but on Ticketmaster, it is "Wilco and Trampled by Turtles" for Green Bay, same on Des Moines with Eventbrite, but Treasure Island on Ticketmaster is "Trampled by Turtles and Wilco" so we might be living in a world where Wilco opens for TBT...in Welch
  14. Have to say, pretty surprised Chicago pavilion tickets are not sold out.
  15. 9/10/21 They need to update that bio! https://www.summerfest.com/artist/wilco "Wilco return with Ode to Joy, out October 4th via dBpm Records."
  16. That latest release front of house series is a show in Eugene about two weeks prior, September, 2003. Late enough in the YHF tour (if it really was that) that you got 3 AGiB tunes. Love that mix and some of those arrangements are a real pleasure to listen to.
  17. Just seeing that the June European Tour has been postponed. Expected, but hadn't seen yet.
  18. I have tickets for Wilco at Merriweather, Riot Fest (Sept) and Watkins Family (Chicago's Old Town School), looking at the Black Crowes tour which is schedule to kick off in late June and Phish tour which kicks off July. Waiting to see how those latter bands/promoters handle those. Anxious about it tbh
  19. This is really sad. I didn't know him but our paths clearly crossed (I'm in the photo) and the tribute above moved me.
  20. very nice of kung fu to send a coupon to use in 2021 as a results of the problems here...
  21. Really? That is so strange. Sounds very unintentional! What color are your albums?
  22. Confirmed - original album on two slabs are black, others are color.
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