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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. But they are only "all dead" in the sense that the sideways world represented a state of being after everyone has died, whenever that was (a Purgatory-like state). And I think it worked because there wasn't that final "Aha!" moment. The Purgatory allowed these characters to come to peace with and redeem their lives. Jack with his father issues, Kate's being on the run, Sayid's issues with his past and people's perceptions, etc. When they were ready to let go of their past selves and move on with this community of people, they could pass on to the next plane of existence. Which took on a C
  2. I don't understand this point. How is it irrelevant? Every single piece of plot from the crash onwards had major significance to the lives of all the characters.
  3. I would add: Caribou Dr. Dog Dosh Drive-By Truckers Fang Island LCD Soundsystem Liars The Morning Benders Spoon Surfer Blood And then a whole lot of ones right below those. It's been an excellent year so far.
  4. Favorite song on the album.
  5. I've never seen that one. The only ones I can really watch with my daughter are Dora and Diego. She loves them, but we limit TV time to when we are either both cooking dinner or she's sick. So there isn't a whole lot of television for her, in general. Plus, the Spanish is good for her and she really picks up on it.
  6. When extremely high expectations are met or even exceeded (see High Violet, The National).
  7. Yeah, I could not agree more with every word of this post.
  8. I still think it's strange how her friends are reacting. But, then again, the drinking issue has always been a big one for me. My wife doesn't drink and we decided not to have alcohol served at our wedding (also, more money for better food, better venue, etc.). Her dad and stepmom were disgusted by this news. Instead of respecting our wishes, they joined the club behind our backs for the sole purpose of being able to go downstairs to get drinks to bring up to the reception.
  9. Maybe. Perhaps the reviewer doesn't share your opinion on how many songs don't completely rule. I still need to listen to this. Is it worth buying the CD for whatever surprise there is, or should I just download it?
  10. Who says he's dead, necessarily?
  11. The way I read it sounded like a fair criticism. Padding an album with decent songs brings down the overall quality.
  12. I concur with everyone else. It's just weird that your friends a) don't understand your situation that night, and b ) think getting drunk is a necessity for a birthday celebration. I haven't gotten drunk since my junior year of college. Drink Diet Pepsi and enjoy hanging out with your friends.
  13. Not necessarily. If you dropped it into Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, it would be my 12th favorite song. And if you dropped it into A Ghost is Born, it would be my 13th favorite song. It would be in the lower half of Summerteeth, too. Maybe it just seems so spectacular because of the rest of Sky Blue Sky.
  14. Yeah, I don't think Impossible Germany is a masterpiece or classic, either.
  15. I voted for Side with the Seeds, but I think it's telling how YAMF is blowing away the competition. Usually, the stronger an album is, the more dispersed the voting would be on favorite song. Weaker albums have more obvious results. For instance, I guarantee the voting would be a lot closer among all 11 songs on Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, as opposed to the two standard favorites here (IG and YAMF) running away with it.
  16. I found this article on MSNBC: Kidnappings cross border into U.S. cities And ABC News (from a year ago): Kidnapping Capital of the USA
  17. 8 U.S.C. ยง 1304(e): (e) Personal possession of registration or receipt card; penalties Every alien, eighteen years of age and over, shall at all times carry with him and have in his personal possession any certificate of alien registration or alien registration receipt card issued to him pursuant to subsection (d) of this section. Any alien who fails to comply with the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction for each offense be fined not to exceed $100 or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both.
  18. Sorry, I shouldn't have hit reply to that particular post. Of course, the link to the USCIS spells out the requirement, so I thought it was fairly self-explanatory, regardless of whether it is on the card. I don't need to. I'm a citizen. Then again, I do usually have my wallet with me, except for walks through the neighborhood. Who goes to a grocery store without their wallet, purse, etc.?
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