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Everything posted by brianjeremy

  1. From RichT on response to the high shipping: That's a bunch of crap!
  2. FYI - This is also available in CD format from Amazon.
  3. Well I guess I will never buy pizza from this pervert again.
  4. Alright, RichT emailed. I hope it's wrong cuz I was gonna order some other things but, dang that's expensive!
  5. Listening to it for the first time and I like it so far. I need to give it more spins but I like about as much as their first record...That said, I am ordering from Rockathon now. EDIT: Hell no I am not ordering from Rockathon - $8 shipping! Freaking insane! I'll wait for the record store to get it.
  6. There are tons of people searching for tickets for the Atlanta show. Sucks so bad it hurts. Apparently it's a really small venue... I just hope they tour the US more...
  7. DAMN YOU! I hate you now. They were my band in college - never saw them live though. I was too late in getting tickets for Atlanta, thus I am left in the cold with no tickets for the show as of now (they play on the 3rd). The cheapest I've seen some assholes scalping them for $70 a pop. Screw that.
  8. Wow, I've gotten slack. I need to pre-order it this weekend. I figured it would be early getting out, Pollard's stuff is usually released a week before the actual release date.
  9. I heard that Zero to 99 leaked months ago but I haven't found it yet...and I've looked everywhere.
  10. This and the new Westerberg for me today.
  11. Awesome. Downloaded! What a great way to come home from a crappy day at work! Listening now.
  12. The more I think about it, the more I think that this past Saturday's show was the best that I had seen Son Volt or Farrar (4 times total). My brother and I are continuing to talk about it almost a week later. I am definitely seeing them again in November.
  13. Jump Little Children - Not necessarily local, but an SC band that played all over the south and wandered out of the south a bit but never reached a major audience. Their song "Cathedrals" was a very minor hit that's been covered a few times by other artists.
  14. This had better be true and they had better tour...extensively.
  15. I agree to a point, but shouldn't we hold artist to a high standard? I'm all for artistic expression and other crap like that, but when you write a crappy songs, it's still a crappy song. Sure, there are a few redeeming songs on the albums but for the most part Weezer flat out stinks now. And about Matt Sharp: it's certainly no coincidence that Weezer's post-Sharp album have stunk. The man added something to the mix that is sorely missed in Weezer. May be he was River's b.s. meter or whatever.
  16. The show last night was really great. I had blast and Jay was really into it and smiled often. It was the most open and friendly that I had seen him.
  17. Oh man, that does not sound good. This is my brothers first Son Volt show...hope Jay turns it around tonight.
  18. Just bought a used copy of this album and I'm firing it up.
  19. They just played in town a while back and are playing again in the next month or so. I have friend who really likes the front man (Kevin Kenny? or something like that).
  20. On a complete whim, my brother and I are going to the Charlotte show. Anyone else going? I'm gonna check 'em out again in November too in Greenville.
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