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Albert Tatlock

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About Albert Tatlock

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    Flying Burrito Brother

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    Yup but not for you

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  1. These were popular on this forum back in teh day. I had not seen this before today. My favourite of theirs.
  2. Ta. So are we definitely back to rock/singing Jeff rather than whispering Jeff?
  3. Really like what she's doing - old school with an edge. I also love how Americans say things like that as if she's next door whereas here its the difference between London and Cardiff.
  4. How could I have forgotten this? That's some kind of medical definition of early onset dementia surely. I'll have to do 15 minutes of some slinky dancing to this to ward it off. .
  5. The best that I could make as a comeback Back from a long day prowling the charity shops of Guildford - picked up some great books for reading over the Christmas period. Enjoy the show tonight while I watch Cardiff on the TV - after my fish and a rice cake of course.
  6. Ta gratefully sent. I did need more than the banana and bran flakes though. The old fish and rice cakes regime kept me going. .
  7. Wow. Good luck! Emmylou is all about the collab. The 2min 51 mark. Lovely. . . It's a bit early to shed a tear - but there you go. P.S. Jeff - send the PM to Emmylou now. Just do it!
  8. OK, I'm in a holding pattern with plenty of fuel*. No panic. [TA TO COME]. P.S. * Bran flakes, banana, and big mug of tea in case you were wondering
  9. Like will they ever play The Unwelcome Guest? That and Wales beating the All Blacks in my lifetime are the great hopes (granted technically we won in 1978 were it not for one of the most heinous acts in all of sport but the scoreboard says otherwise). To think that my Dad saw them beaten twice in 3 weeks by Cardiff and Wales in 53 - I was with a friend and her mother once when we met Bleddyn Williams - her Mum practically curtsied. To be honest I don't see either happening anytime soon . . . EDIT: The only thing to soften the blow in 78 was that we had a day off school because ther
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