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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. So there I was watching the latest instalment of Stephen Fry odessey across the USA in a London black cab (touching each of the 50 states and spending time at querky locations in each - however not totally recommended as it's all a bit superficial) when suddenly on driving to Illinois he heads straight for Second City and takes part in an improv show, followed by a meal of Chicago's most famous delicacy (sic) - I think just across the road from the theatre with 2 of the comedians. Something tells me he was slightly disappointed to discover that the rumours of fabulous weeners that had attracte
  2. Oh, that explains why you don't like me then, but I miss you. Keep your pecker up. Chin chin!
  3. Good evening. How are you and NY? I appear like Zorro, only without the tight trousers, unexpected, like the Spanish Inquisition.
  4. Now you tell me, when it's too late to get a ticket and everything!!! Don't forget to take a tennis ball and/or cup cakes. Oh, and the co-ordinated t-shirts. P.S. Love to Yoda.
  5. Is this the bit where JT had to run the gauntlet down the hall while you thumped him in the ribs? I heard you missed a trick - someone in the middle should always trip the runner up, then you can get a few kicks in at the liver. P.S. Thanks for posting etc.
  6. Mmmm .... Gordos. Mmmm .... cupcakes Aren't they forgetting something also in the park each year? Enjoy!
  7. I've already got a multi-region DVD player - I meant we don't get the show broadcast. And if you were thinking about recording and sending a DVD: that's OK - no need for the trouble (but tell me if I'm in a shot dancing during Get Up John ).
  8. Nope, but dementia hasn't set in yet and the memories are still tip top I'll lob a tennis ball in your honour whilst wearing the special t-shirt tonight
  9. Just been perusing this at the club:- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7158637.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/7158663.stm Glad to see the chaps keeping their spirits up by preserving the old traditions. Reminds me of that time in Tanganyika in '32 when Fuzzy Totherington grew a moustache so long he could use it to tie a knot in his Price Albert. Damn fine chaps those cavalry types. Merry Christmas! Chin Chin!
  10. I'm just off outside to celebrate with a traditional game of 'toss the Proddy'. Remember, St. Patrick was a Welshman!
  11. That's funny, 'cos I bumped into Pammy once at Worms Head. I think she comes from Neath originally.
  12. Nice But what's the Welsh connection?
  13. Bbop sighting? Not certain but the headbanging looks mighty familiar (though I've only seen it from the back of course). Bbop Hope you're on the mend.
  14. Drat, drat and double drat But some good has come out of all this: I discovered that in Hungary Dick Dastardly was called G
  15. Bonza and Chin Chin (Took me forever to find a picture of Strop - Mr Gumby's Antipodean long lost coustin I think)
  16. gob = mouth (just checking that you knew that). So basically gobsmacked means visibly stunned; taken aback - as if you just been punched in the face. My variation would have been in the mode of an old school comedian like Frankie Howerd. Titter ye not, as he would say. http://www.screenonline.org.uk/people/id/874448/index.html Now I really much catch up on my sleep. Time to dream of EH!
  17. You got that right ... http://flickr.com/photos/maudiemc/sets/721...5417955/?page=3 Never has my gob been so smacked. Thanks!
  18. Shame about that guy with the big head spoiling the other shot
  19. The best soundcheck in the history of soundchecks:- A few hours and some hairspray later:- This guy wasn't bad:- Probably my favourite photo from the weekend (duets are great plus she was a new discovery for me):-
  20. Just an astonishingly great festival (all the headliners and many more great favourite artists of mine) with perfect blue sky weather for an unbelievably enjoyable weekend - except maybe for the shivering bit at 4am Sunday morning. So glad I decided to make the trip AND THAT I HAVE SUCH GREAT WILCO FRIENDS TO HAVE INVITED ME. My highlights:- Friday: Augie March (recommended), T-Bone Burnett with Neko Case, Jeff Tweedy ('nuff said) Saturday: Alison Moorer (Steve Earle got up to sing a duet with his wife too), Nick Lowe, Gillian Welch (and of course the unbelievably modest David Rawlings),
  21. ... one mega burrito and a yoda statue later ... Nope - crowd far too big to attempt that. Very mixed bunch - everything from deadheads to silicon valley yuppies to park bums. All good. If my pictures are good i'll post but that will take a few days. Froggie - Augie March kicked things off and they were great - latest album I like alot. Miss Jayne - thanks: I had been once before some years ago but it's always better with some locals to show you the ropes - though as walking is my thing I've discovered some places that even they don't know about e.g. the magnificent House Of Stools. For all y
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