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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. The biggest problem with the Iraq war wasn't that we went in. It was that we didn't have a plan once we went in.
  2. Judges can only go so far in their interpretations of the constitution. They can't justify many of the things Bush would like with the constitution.
  3. It's easy to say that because we'll never know how things would have developed. Unfortunately, MOST Democrats did support the Iraq war, so at the very least, it wasn't all Bush. The majority of "issues" they disagree on are ones that don't really matter on anything more than a philosophical level. To be honest, the only thing they truly disagree on is "Big government" vs. "slightly more big government". Everything else is a result of that, and to be honest, the republicans can huff and puff all they want about gay marriage, abortion, or other so called "moral" issues, but at the end of th
  4. Tiki was in no way overrated. this is a ridiculous post.
  5. I mean, of course it ruffles a lot of people's feathers to say so, but both parties in our country are 2 sides of the same coin. They are not all that different, for the most part.
  6. Whoosh. That's the sound of the point flying right past you. People die in war. It sucks. The point is we are there already, you need to get past that fact. If we pull out now, tons of more people will die, maybe not necesarrily Americans, but does that make their lives less worthy? Can you garauntee we wouldn't be in Iraq if Gore was in office? No, you can't. You will say you will because you are an idiot, but you can't. He very well may have gone in.
  7. I love Santana, this is a great trade for the Mets. Gomez and Humber aren't very good, I wouldn't have done Dontrelle for the two of them. I'm surprised they didn't have to give up Martinez or Pelfrey, who I think are better prospects. The part of this deal that isn't good for the Mets is the one that will pay Santana anywhere from 25-30 million dollars at the age of 34. And it's also slightly (not much, but slightly) troubling that his HR and BB rates went up last year while his K rate went down last season. He's still the best or 2nd best pitcher in the league. But if he falls off even
  8. 600,000 people were irreversibly damaged by Lincoln's presidency.
  9. My things (for Treehug'n): What didn't you like specifically? You made this big sarcastic post that seemed to criticize Bush, but you didn't actually say anything. Bush has done very little, to no irreversible damage to our country. We survived Vietnam, Watergate, 3 assassinations, empiriliasm, a civil war, Andrew Johnson, the burning of our capital, and a complete rewrite of our constitution. We'll be fine. Should we be in Iraq? Probably not. Was it the right thing to do? Well, you can't judge things like this without the benefit of historical perspective, but at this point I'll say pr
  10. Love this album. My favorite hip hop album of last year.
  11. That's a damn fine read. Kicked my ass emotionally, though.
  12. Also rumored that Jeff Clement is gonna be going the Orioles' way. Thats a good deal.
  13. Jones for Bedard is good value for the Orioles, since it was common knowledge he wasn't staying.
  14. Ths day will surely crash the board at least once from how monumental it is! Happy birthdays!
  15. Did anyone see Rick Nash's goal from a few nights ago to win the game? It was the single most incredible thing I have ever seen in my life.
  16. I maintain that the trash compactor onboard the Death Star in "Star Wars" is implausible, unworkable, and moreover, inefficient. The Trash Compactor Debate turns on whether the Death Star ejects its trash into space. I, for one, believe it does. Though we never see the Death Star ejecting its trash, we do see another Empire ship, the so-called Star Destroyer, ejecting its trash into space. I therefore see no reason to suspect that Empire protocol dictating that trash be ejected into space would not apply equally to all Empire spacecraft, including the Death Star. The Death Star clearly has
  17. That post should've been so much funnier. Where is Ron Cey when you need him?
  18. You can play great defense in a game and not be a great defense. A lot goes into that. That is my point. Plenty of teams have won with good defenses that had great playoffs. Same with offenses.
  19. I should be flogged for my inability to send a gift. I apologize to everyone I hurt. Mine will be a valentine gift, at this point. I suck.
  20. You have to do both very well 90% of the time.
  21. I saw a similar stat regarding baseball and it went true both ways. Teams are just as likely to win with a great offense and good defense as great defense and good offense, but you are very unlikely to win without at least one aspect being great and the other good, and you are almost never going to win if you are bad at any one aspect.
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