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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I have the auxillery cable plugged in and it works great. It only distorts if you have both the ipod and stereo at max volume.
  2. This is all really scary and I'm really keeping the UK VC peeps in my thoughts. You guys are troopers, and I hope you guys are all right. If this happened in the US, we'd all duct tape our doors shut and tune into Fox News.
  3. Well, Dye has played mostly full seasons where Stairs has been platooned for the better part of the last half decade so that might have something to do with it, no? Baseball reference won't load for me, so I can't verify, but I can't remember Stairs playing full time anytime in the last like 5 seasons. Also, now that BR is loading, I can see Dye is the man of the Career year. He's had like 4 career years followed by complete crap seasons. Maybe he's the guy who proves the "contract year" mystery. If he continues, he's due for like a 1.300 OPS followed by like a .500 ops sometime soon.
  4. I love that you aren't a republican.
  5. I have to say it isn't really worth noting that the cubs are at .500. They spent like 4 billion dollars in the offseason to celebrate being .500?
  6. Boy is it ever. I've been hoping to hear something soon, but no dice.
  7. Ah, I see he's improved since I traded him. All 3 of those numbers were worse at the time of my trading him. And Jason Bay has dropped like 30 points in Batting average and has like 1 home run. Go me.
  8. Johan hasn't been Johan thus far this year. But knowing him he'll go on like a 19 start streak of allowing 1 or less runs.
  9. Craig Biggio: Hall of famer? Absolutely.
  10. Paul replacing Stuart Sutcliffe on bass.
  11. They show at the very least that he could be self deprecating.
  12. I think Pinkerton is at times hysterical. "The Good Life", "El Scorcho", "Why Bother", and "Pink Triangle" are all clever and witty and pretty damn funny. "I know I should get next to you You've got a look that made me think you're cool But it's just sexual attraction Not something real so I'd rather keep wackin'" Gold, Jerry!
  13. I know. My father's side of the family used to do the whole aristocratic southern family thing (we had a plantation and even a US Senator for the great state of Maryland at one point) and I'm sure it hit us hard. But nobody carries a grudge about it. Because it was like 7 generations ago.
  14. Because the policies and ideals of the United States government haven't changed in the 150 years since the civil war. I mean, are you really that bitter about something that happened 150 years ago? I hope you are at least consisten and constantly complain about slavery.
  15. Awesome. We're going to the toppermost of the poppermost, boys.
  16. "I'm only even vaguely aware of who you are"
  17. I just can't imagine a guy who is by all accounts a good person doing something like this for no reason. I really wish we could know why. It's so troubling that someone could just snap like that...
  18. He would probably step in and play center from day one. Until Cody Ross is healthy, and then they'll form an absolutely deadly platoon, as Ross crushed lefties (to the tune of like a 1.000 OPS) and Jones has a career .850 OPS against righties. Though it's apparently off now barring an "Unexpected reversal". The Cubs weren't willing to give more money unless they got a better prospect in return. Oh well, it would've been nice. Back to the drawing board.
  19. The snag is on the money. The Marlins want more money than the million currently being reported. Especially if the prospect they give up is going to be of any worth.
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