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Everything posted by chuckrh

  1. I'm pretty sure I have a boot of the whole Red Rocks show somewhere. I'll have to look. That would be something I would grab.
  2. The Zoo TV arena show I saw was the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, WA. I think they did 2 nights & I went to the first one. The War show I saw was in the Paramount Theater in Seattle. That one was pretty stunning, too. The audience kept singing 40 for a real long time after the band left the stage & Bono broke up a fight down front during the show.
  3. I saw an early pre-stadium show of Zoo TV with Pixies opening. That show was unreal. First time I saw them was the War tour in a theater, so I've pretty well covered the venue spectrum. They played a bar here on their first tour when I was 20. Unfortunately, the drinking age is 21 here. Not fair as the band is the same age as me!
  4. They're fantastic live. I always go in skeptically as Bono wears on me but I always leave blown away. The last 2 shows I've seen were the 360 & the Joshua Tree a few years ago. I don't know how they do it but they have damn near perfect sound in football staudiums. Musically those guys are locked in. I admire the Edge a lot. Fantastic musician with a world class rhythm section. They always have a great presentation, too. I imagine the thing they're going to do in Vegas will be mind blowing. & very expensive haha.
  5. I listened to the Pageant show today. Weird listening to the band without either Jay or the current line-up. I think Jay was gone by then but I could be wrong.
  6. I forget, did you make it to any of the NIN shows this tour? There were only 25 total, 2 of them at Boston Calling. As you know they were the pinch hitters for that festival filling in for Foo Fighters & Strokes. The last leg starting in Red Rocks & ending in Cleveland was phenomenal. I got lucky & was able to catch 2 shows in Oregon. My concert going days may be coming to an end soon & if that's the case the road trip was a good way to go out. Both shows I saw were amazing & very different from each other. Trent had a phenomenal band this touring cycle. He says if & wh
  7. Yes, it's out of control unless you get a venue that's not run by AEG or LiveNation. Even that is hit & miss. I've been buying baseball tickets lately via Ticketmaster & surprisingly the fees aren't that bad for those. Playoff tickets are spendy though but MLB dictates that to a certain extent. I got 2 games yesterday that wll be refunded if the games don't happen & the fees were "only" about 10%. I have slowed way down on concerts though. I only have 2 on the books for the rest of the year & a few next year. If Jeff Beck tacks on a date in Seattle at the end of his tour I'll p
  8. Nice to know they've still got it. I saw them waaaaay early on in a tiny club. Can't remember what they were touring but it was a monumental show.
  9. Nice, please let us know how it is. I have tickets to see them in a few weeks. It looks like Greg is changing up the setlists some. I haven't seen "Faded" on any though which kind of bums me out. Love that song! & album for that matter.
  10. Crowded House rescheduled for next spring. Hate waiting that long for shows!
  11. I was looking at the IMAX of the Bowie movie. It was $25 in these parts. One of the things I really liked about the NIN tour was Trent has made an effort to keep things fan friendly. The shows were GA, $100. He could play much bigger venues & charge way more money. Even the merch was fan friendly. High quality t-shirts were $30 (really nice long sleeve $40). In comparison I went to Roger Waters Saturday (great show, not quite as good as the Us+Them tour. expensive though). He was charging $50 for a regular t-shirt. I let him keep mine. Trent is also taper friendly although not officially d
  12. I'm going to wait to watch it home. I've got a good enough sound system to enjoy it. The movies have gotten way too expensive since reopening after the pandemic.
  13. At long last, Roger Waters tonight. I was looking at the tickets (yes, real tickets) & they were bought in January 2020, just a few days before we heard about COVID for the first time. I got good seats in the less expensive realm so I hung onto them. Looks like a lot of people went for the refund. Lots of tickets available.
  14. Seeing them in a few weeks. New record really good.
  15. Amyl & the Sniffers! I also really like Romero (another female led Aussie band). Link below for them on bandcamp. You can get the whole record for $1. https://romeromelbourne.bandcamp.com/album/turn-it-on
  16. I knew Pat Dinizio a bit. Gone far too young. Miss his music. He was a really nice guy.
  17. I'll write more about my NIN adventure a bit later as I'm not feeling too well but I just wanted to put a word out about the venue in Bend OR. NIN were so good that I continued on from Portland for the show in Bend. So glad I did. My back is pretty much destroyed from an 8 hour drive Saturday but I'm not complaining as I knew what I was getting into. When I came down from the mountains on the west side Saturday I found Seattle had turned into LA in Blade Runner from out of control wild fires. We had the worst air in the world on Saturday. It's cleared up some but it made me sick. I'm one of th
  18. Thanks. I'm packed up & ready to go. Leaving about 9:00 so I should be able to dodge rush hours. It's 3 hours to the hotel (only 10 minutes to the venue from the hotel) so it will be a good test. The old boy scout in me says to be prepared. I'm bringing extra clothes in case the drive goes better than I think. If it does, I'm very tempted to go to Bend OR for NIN Friday. It's another 3 hours beyond Portland. I know I can get a ticket for face value. I basically traded 2 Placebo tickets for 1 NIN ticket for the Portland show. I'm way more into NIN so it's a good deal. NIN change the setlist
  19. There had been a post on 3DD early in August regarding a Go Fund Me effort for Wes. Evidently, he had cancer before & it went into remission but came back with a vengeance.
  20. Wes Freed, the artist who did most of the art for Drive-by Truckers has passed away from cancer. 1 of my favorite artists. His run of album covers are amazing & I have at least 3 t-shirts with his art on them. He will be missed.
  21. I was going to see Placebo next week but had got less enthusiastic about it after I heard a tape from earlier in the tour. They're not doing a lot of the songs I like anymore. Tried to sell the tickets, no takers. Then I got an email today saying the tour was postponed. I'm taking the refund & parlaying that into a ticket for Nine Inch Nails in Portland on Wednesday. Way more into that. Got a nice hotel with pool & hot tub for way reasonable money 3 miles from the venue. The only bad thing is the drive (2.5 hours each way) is going to hurt me bad. I'll deal with that as it looks like t
  22. That's a pretty good double bill. Maybe you'll get a nice jam during the encore. When Young Fresh Fellows opened in October the jam with both bands on Helter Skelter was the best part of the show. Sloppy but extremely fun!
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