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Everything posted by chuckrh

  1. Didn't they put out a triple cd (with other artists) of Fred covers?
  2. Free HBO this weekend. This is really good.
  3. I wasn't trying to offend anyone. I'm chemo sick this week & just had to get it off my chest. Wilco has long been a favorite band (since Summerteeth) & I just don't want to see them go too far in that direction. Other artists I like have covered songs. Hell, even Midnight Oil did one but they didn't continue on that path. On the other hand, I don't care for the National. They took it way too far. Overall, with a few exceptions like MMJ, I'm not a jam band guy. More of a 2 guitars, Marshall stacks & a cloud of dust guy.
  4. This is my psycosis but the GD are about my least favorite band of all time. In fact, I usually call them the Hateful Fred (thanks to Robert Pollard of Guided by Voices). I saw them a few times & was bored out of my skull. The second time I walked out after a few songs. Santana opened & was the main reason I went. I had a former friend whom I did a favor & hired to work in the warehouse I ran. He made me listen to them every single f'n day for 2 excruciating years. Since then I can't listen to them in any context even by bands I like, Wilco being an example. If "US Blues" popped up
  5. Really terrible stuff about the cup in Qatar. Huge scale bribery, slavery & most importantly: no beer!
  6. Flaming Lips & Particle Kid were amazing last night. It was a make up show & the Lips played a solid 2 hours which is longer than usual. Particle Kid's opening set didn't disappoint. I think Micah Nelson is more talented than his brother & the set was great. Micah also came out for a song with the Lips & did a blistering solo. There were a lot of surprises in the Lips set both in what they played & what they didn't. There was only 1 song from The Soft Bulletin & I didn't even mind. Killer light laser/show & the usual special effects link Wayne defeating the pin
  7. Probably not really up for it but seeing the Lips Wednesday. Luckily they're playing a big club that's very ADA friendly.
  8. Caveat: I'm a huge Flaming Lips fan. It's definitely worth watching. Interesting how they put the whole thing together. The band sounds fantastic in the music footage especially "Feeling Youself Disintegrate". I've always liked that song but it's become epic live. The guitar solo is 1 of my favorites. Steven Drodz is an amazing musician.
  9. Washington turned out OK especially considering the huge money the GOP dumped into the campaign. Fingers crossed for the rest of the country. I can't believe that Herschel Walker has run as high as he has.
  10. RIP. Sorry I hit the wrong emoticon. Things don't sound too good for Andy Taylor of Duran Duran either.
  11. Things are bad everywhere. I think there's going to be trouble regardless of how the actual vote goes. Here's a wild one: in England the cost of power has gone out of control. It's so bad that the prostitutes (illegal) are demanding assistance because men don't have enough money to be "serviced" due to the high cost of heat & power.
  12. Gene Ween moved into the part of Seattle I live in recently. Ya, they do have a weird mix of people who follow them. Personally, I really like the band musically but the infantile humor thing wears out fast on me. I'm the same way about Frank Zappa. Dean Ween is an awesome guitar player.
  13. BB King: Y'know, I don't play chords too well Bono: Don't worry Mr King, Edge will handle that
  14. I like Monster. The tour was fantastic, too. It was a nice change of pace although I must say New Adventures in Hi-Fi was much better. In fact, that's my favortie REM record.
  15. I read that Bono said that he wants to do an"AC/DC style" rock album. I'd love to hear that!
  16. I've been thinking about moving over to that side of the sound, maybe Poulsbo zone. I can't do it right now as it's really looking like I've got some major surgery coming by the end of the year or early next year. I live a few blocks from the Fauntleroy ferry dock in West Seattle. I've probably driven through Manchester a few times. Seattle is just becoming too expensive & of course the traffic is horrendous. The middle class is getting priced out. Having the West Seattle bridge back has made my life a little easier. When it was out it took me 1.5 hours to get to Pill Hill more than once.
  17. I wasn't trying to be confrontational either. The big pharma thing affects me personally in a huge way. I'm going broke with the current system. Chemo & other exotic drugs. I did vote for another Democrat in the primary but no name recognition value. There is 1 Republican ( not a trumpanzee) I'd vote for in a heartbeat: Mark Cuban. I've actually met him & he's trying to do something positive in the country. I don't think he'll ever run though as he'd be trapped. Question: I've lived in Washington almost all of my 61 years. Where the hell is Manchester?!?!
  18. Patty Murray is pretty much phony. Anytime she's been asked a question about issues she does a pee pee dance & talks around the question without giving an answer. Did you know that Murray is the single biggest receipient from either party of largess from big pharma? Look it up. By definition that is counter to the good of her constituents. The problem with career politicians is they become addicted to the power, not to mention money from the public sugar tit & special interests. Rather than actually work for the constituents most of their time is spent ensuring they remain in power. Ju
  19. It really hurt me but I voted for Patty Murray in WA. She's been in the senate 30 years & is just a classic career politician & an argument for term limits. That being said, her opponent Tiffany Smiley is an absolute nightmare. Think maybe a slightly toned down Marjorie Taylor Greene. It was a choice of lesser evil. Smiley actually trots out here blind veteran husband in ads for cheap pops. & surprisingly, Smiley is closing the gap in polls. Ugh!
  20. Think the turning point for Genesis was when Steve Hackett quit & before bongo head really took over. Melting Face is my favorite Gabriel record. I saw him the next tour in a theater. I had 3rd row seat & Peter walked over my seat when he went out in the crowd. Plays Live was recorded on that tour, I think. Great show. So, was this a book signing or something? PS: I was born in the 60s.
  21. A flower!?!?!?!? heading down to Willow's farm.... Seriously, I used to be huge on Peter & Genesis to a point. I still listen to a bit of it but I'm not too huge on the prog rock anymore. In fact, the last time I saw Peter I had an epiphany. He was in a big arena with 10000 lighting cues, etc. After that show, went to a club to see Paul Westerberg . 2 guitars, Marshall stacks & a cloud of dust. The path became clear...the other epiphany was during the mega Yes tour where all the instruments were doubled & everyone did really loooooong solos. After the show we were calling Awak
  22. I've got tickets for a rescheduled show next month. I was really happy to see that Particle Kid is still opening. Did you catch Micah on this show? I really love his album (Time Capsule) that came out this year. That being said, I've been a fan of the Lips for a really long time. Hope the health issues don't get in the way of the show. Bought the tickets a really long time ago.
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