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Everything posted by kidsmoke

  1. They would be such fools to turn this down! But Mike, may I just say it for you? Stupid West Virginia. Thanks. I was in a snarly mood, and it helps to insult another state.
  2. Memo to you both: Did you remember to punch airholes? And yes, I loooooove 2-yr-old orange kitties!
  3. I'm sure there are many different approaches they can try. Try not to worry too much, although I know that's so much easier said than done. We love ya, froggie.
  4. Wow, no pun intended, honestly, but that must be unnerving. I hope you see an improvement soon. Do your doctors know what's going on, or are you still in the early stages of various tests? You're in our hearts and thoughts, Mende. Hang in there.
  5. Mende, I hope I don't even have to say that I consider you a god amongst mere mortals. May the heavens come to their senses and restore your world to peace and happiness.
  6. Good lines! I also love Oliver's Army!
  7. I like the way you think. As comfort foods go, nothing can touch a good homemade Mac N Cheese!
  8. Easily one of my all-time favorites. When I saw him at Hollywood High all those years ago, someone lobbed a red high-top sneaker onstage during that song. I always kinda wondered if someone had gone home that night wearing a single shoe, having been caught up in the impulse of the moment. My first Stiff Records purchase was their first release, the quiet little single from Elvis, "Less Than Zero". I was blown away by his talent then, and still am. As a sucker for waltz time, may I offer up the lyrics to "New Amsterdam": you're sending me tulips mistaken for lilies you give me your lip a
  9. A simple dessert: 1 box angel food cake mix 1 20-oz. can crushed pineapple (in its own juice) Cool Whip Mix cake mix, pineapple, and juice together and pour into well-greased 9-by-13 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes or until golden brown on top. When cool, frost with Cool Whip. Variation: Replace canned pineapple with a 15-oz. can of diced peaches in its own juice. Good luch with your cooking!
  10. That boy makes me yearn. For all kinds of good things in the world. Man, can he sing, and his lyrics are wonderful too. Plus he's flat-out gorgeous. But has a lovely girlfriend, and let's face it, we're off on a tangent here. Seriously, the man is a total sweetheart, and insanely talented. Catch him live if you possibly can. You won't regret it.
  11. Aw, you're sweet. In some things I do, anyway. (I like to think.) These are all great albums. There was so much this year to savor! I'm not one of those who is into obscurity for obscurity's sake.....it makes me crazy that musicians as good as these have to struggle for notice!
  12. Oh, sweetie, you are missing so much!
  13. I can't begin to do a "best of", but I'm loving Joe Henry's "Civilians", The Everybodyfields' "Nothing Is Okay", Johnathan Rice's "Further North", Patrick Park's "Everyone's In Everyone", and Mendoza Line's "30 Year Low". I know I'm neglecting some incredible stuff. These are just off the top of my head.
  14. It would definitely make things like this more possible and affordable! Aw well, such is life.
  15. Yowza! Thanks, Susan! We really are a bunch of pretty spoiled fans, with opportunities like this. I probably can't be there, but those of you who can, go for it. It promises to be a hoot! Hmmm, maybe some very creative financing is in order..... That's the day before my birthday, which would make it like a birthday gift.....to myself..... What would we be without wishful thinking?
  16. I think the first person to mail should get an extra present from the old elf with the glittery snowflake tears, don't you?
  17. Don't you Aussies make sacrifices for fashion?
  18. Hmm, I'll bet the "hand-knitted purse" is a typo too. It's probably supposed to be "pants", hand-knitted pants. Even the guys would bid then! I'm sorry, this is how rumors get started. Just ignore me. But, hand-knitted pants! With knit-in guitar strings! Who wouldn't bid?
  19. The Mitch Hedberg line keeps running through my head: "Rice is great for when you're hungry for 2000 of something."
  20. I have loved just reading this thread. Your choices of favorite lines bring back so many jaw-droppingly wonderful songs.
  21. Happy Birthday Llynn, and Happy Birthday gtr plyr! Cake all around!!! You deserve all the sweet things that come your way, especially if cake and ice cream are involved. Enjoy, birthday babies!!
  22. I want HIS Christmas recipes..... And yep, I pretty much agree. My favorite part of Thanksgiving (besides family) is leftovers. Somehow everything just tastes so much more delicious a day or two later!
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