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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. there is a distinct absence of los angeles on that list.
  2. i really should invest in a used lear jet. these eastward trips on a school night just don't work out.
  3. BEST DUNDEES EVER!! WOOOOO!! off topic, but i was inspired by your avatar.
  4. all on school nights!! DAMN! can't do the travel thing during the week. well...maybe...
  5. were you by any chance, wearing a death cab t-shirt and eating a slice of pizza?
  6. wow. haven't seen that in a long time!
  7. at my desk. almost everyday. for secondary science gathering purposes: also the compromiser. and i favor the "diagonal" arrangement.
  8. the mind positively reels with the implications of these women having the same birthday! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISE AND MIRTHFUL WOMEN O' VC: DONNA & CHRIS!!!
  9. bobby jr. looked considerably more interested in the shrubs along the sidewalk than e, but i think they were both having a good time.
  10. wow!! great assortment of songs. you lucky kids! i'm sad that i had to miss these shows especially now that i know ST. G. WAS THERE! argh! hi nat!
  11. once again eric, well put. the music in these songs is so beautiful sometimes i get wrapped up in just that. funny side note: yesterday as i stopped at the market i saw E walking his dog: he looks to be in good spirits.
  12. hey! i didn't catch that! nice, tracy! and wendy, he slays me, this guy. his slide work on steam engine is so gorgeous.
  13. hey radvocate! great user name! forgot to mention how jeff derailed the photographer with the loud shutter at the beginning of the show. the photg. was taking pix during mountain bed: the shutter was quite audible and jeff was reacting to it. when he finished the song he asked everyone to refrain from taking pix the rest of the show. he offered to strike a few poses so that people could take their action shots right then. he struck a few poses that looked like he was belting a song out then said, "people are gonna see these and say, "he was really into it!" there were a few guita
  14. hey all, turns out an older carl b. solo lp is available for download at this site. i haven't heard it yet as something seems to be wrong with the audio on this work computer. carl broemel's album
  15. wooo! wendy, you do know that jon likes the roxy music, no?
  16. hey matty, wax fang opened on new year's eve. they were fantastic! the mmj board has some pix of their set: mmj nye w/wax fang wax fang opened with the song from "the wall" that starts: so you thought you might like to go to the show... can't remember the title...their set was varied stylistically. i dug them quite a bit. not to be missed: they were in costume the entire night: women's cheerleading and ice skating costumes. yup! and still they rocked the house. for the record the openers for the fillmore stand were: friday 12.29: rogue wave saturday 12.30: elvis perki
  17. how did i not figure that one out? brianne, you also took a pic of the hall exterior, no? boy oh boy. off mic. no PA. i do not tire of acuff-rose. ever. i was just about to note that i hadn't met one crabby person in all of marfa, but then i rememberd wes, the guy at the mini-mart. he was surly. still: ONE person the whole weekend!
  18. HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY!! fantastic news! and yes: keeping good thoughts for kidney-acceptance and healthy recovery. damn. GO PAT!! thanks, warner!
  19. we will have to wait confirmation from someone who taped the show. "ROLL TAPE!" what a terrific locale for a show! remote, lovely, FABULOUS COFFEE. such a treat to see so many familiar faces among the crowd. having trouble forming any semblance of coherent sentence word usement... i will add this: gorgeous, gorgeous radio king tonight. and this was the first time i've seen either jeff or wilco perform dreamer in my dreams. for the record: the floor of this airport is cold.
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