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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. This makes me REALLY happy. I have no connection to this band other than getting fully on board after hearing Oklahoma City Woman Blues on KXT. I feel a real connection to this band and am really glad that people on this board whose opinion I really respect are on board. Good Times http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_JWSPPmlGo
  2. Placement on the list, not the inclusion. The Byrds in the top 10 and not the Dead?
  3. Well...it is the Top 50 American Bands of All Time. I think Little Feat had the chops and the rep to warrant a spot.
  4. I really love this band. I hope you seconding the rave will get some more folks here on board. Just as I begin to think they may have made a tactical mistake with the leadoff song on the album, "Strange Love", it tears nto "Jack the Robber"., It sounds like nothing else on the record and creates some false impressions and expectations about what follows. But if one sticks around, the "I'm Going Down" riff homage on the next song "Jack the Robber" blows the freaking doors off and it's off to the races from there. The juxaposition of those two songs creates a real tension that ultimately makes t
  5. Aerosmith is certainly problematic. Up until Joe Perry left the band in the 1979, Aerosmith was as good an American band has ever existed. After the reunion, they certainly had a lot of hits and sold a lot of records, but they were more of a vaudville act. They belong on the list, but I don't think I would put them in the top 25 over what they have become in the last 25 years. I think that putting Bruce and the E Street Band at #1 is on target and was really pleasantly surprised. The choice is an obvious one for those of us who saw them in 1976, 1978, 1981, 1985 or on the Reunion tour. They
  6. Heh...you're more likely to hear Lo Muncho Que Te Quero passing by a construction site.
  7. That was pretty stinking cool. And the original with Graham Nash in it is pretty nice too.
  8. Finally...somebody has some love for The Deep Vibration!
  9. Should be tattooed on the forehead every poster on this board .
  10. What a wonderful tribute to a fallen friend
  11. I am really enjoying this season. I thought Matt Smith did a magnificent job last year and he was even better this year. I ama little perturbed that the Beeb and Moffat seems unable to produce more than 12-14 episodes a year. Cuse and Lindlehoff managed to keep Lost on the air six years and had 20+ one-hour episodes a year in a continuing story arc that managed to keep reasonalby on track and had an ultimately satisfying denoument.
  12. This is simply transcendental http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0wyP8Ekt9w
  13. Lots of stuff from the band via Facebook today: Album set list Cover Art Initial tour dates. Looks like it's on.
  14. File this one under EP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrMH0zcQqYQ
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_JWSPPmlGo
  16. Can somebody explain to my how WMG (I am assuming that is Warner Music Group) can own the copyright or have a copyright claim on a 2011 Jeff Tweedy written, Wilco performed song?
  17. I kind of like it when he oversings. The performance of When my time comes on Ferguson was epic because of that. I wonder if Dave recognized the boys from when they backed Robbie Roberston a couple of months ago.
  18. So far, Dawes is the best of the year (in my book). Love the Middle Brother record too. There's a really nice record out by a band called Deep Vibration. (kinda surprised that there's no love for these guys here)
  19. The talk about how the weather in Texas affects the teams, but I have never seen an umpire crew literally melt down like the crew that worked the Mets series this weekend. And it wasn't even really THAT hot.
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