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Everything posted by bobfrombob

  1. This almost got it's own thread, which would have been entitled White Stripes play shortest show in the history of rock and roll:
  2. He probably would have gotten away with it if he hadn't used the "z"
  3. 1. This has leaked? 2. And nobody told me? 3. Thoughts?
  4. People can flame my ass for saying this but Jack's playing reminds me of Rick Neilson.... Does a lot of stuff with volume, feedback, tone, effects. Doesn't come across like a vitruoso but sure makes some pretty amazing sounds.
  5. I saw Buddy once. In a hall in Glencoe. I've seen many shows but that one holds some special memories.
  6. Joel Plaskett Emergency - Ashtray Rock
  7. http://music.barnesandnoble.com/search/med...=1&track=25
  8. Rocking Horse Road and Shipbuilding:
  9. Here's a number of suggestions, some with (very) short reviews: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...c=29698&hl=
  10. I think the Inuit are the group of Aboriginal people in Canada's NWT and Nunavut. In their language, Inuktitut, "Inuit" also means "the people
  11. Here's an alternative perspective from something A-Man posted today (which had nothing to do with Prince, but seems apt)
  12. Great interview. Thanks for the link. Nels is just the nicest guy. After the Toronto show, he waded into the middle of fans waiting afterwards and had lots of time for everybody. Super nice person, monster player.
  13. Yeah Steve, he's always recording at his house. He's not always recording in Atlanta. Reliable sources are now saying an album in fall, likely October, shows for 6 - 8 weeks in major US cities in October/November, a short spin through Europe in December, and the last world tour of the E Street Band in 2008.
  14. I would read that to state that these are from the initial 250.
  15. bobfrombob has a van but it's stricly for lacrosse and hockey. oh yeah, and mountain bikes
  16. I thought this might be a thread to describe how to get a copy of the Toronto "red rocket" poster which was very nice and that I planned to get after the show, only to find they were all gone...... I don't see it up in the Wilco store either but most of the other nights are. Crap. To add insult to injury, they also had the rooster t shirt for $20 but when I went back, they only had XXXX small and XXXX large. I'm a pretty average guy.
  17. Given the "indie slant" of this award, people have already written off any chance of Feist or Arcade Fire winning this. So replacing them with one of these other equally deserving artists would be cool (but will not happen now).
  18. ... earned Billy Preston the title of "3rd 5th Beatle"
  19. Wa wa wooeee. Is very nice. thanks Solace
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