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Everything posted by bobfrombob

  1. .... got right on the bus June 30 2007 and didn't really feel like talking to anybody that night. ..... talked to me for a really long time in Montreal in 2005.
  2. .... I hardly ever reach for, but when I do play it, it's always better than I remembered it to be.
  3. Also very cool, but for totally differnet reasons - yesterday, they played a show for kids suffering from cancer. Very private; kids and families only.
  4. I could make that work. We have a pretty big deck in my backyard. There's a sofa and love seat out there right now - on their way to the dump, but in the meantime, take off the tarp and you've got an instant party. I would even clean up the dog poop.
  5. Yeah, no clue where they might play in Ottawa either. If they're looking for ideas, I'm thinking a show under the big spider in front of the National Gallery would work.
  6. Are you delivering at home? If not, the question to consider is how far is the venue from the hospital, not from your house...... I think ephsooner's "buy a ticket and do the risk/benefit analysis in September" advice is sound.
  7. The "Michael Stipe has called" business was unfortunate
  8. The "how do you feel" questions did feel a little bit like he was mocking him or something. Certainly not the best interview I've ever heard.
  9. 2:33 Eastern and I'm hearing "Either Way". Has this just started?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqo9MdtUMtI
  11. from the Macleans Taste Police blog http://forums.macleans.ca/advansis/?mod=fo...amp;ps=&sb= The author, Marco Ursi, is an intern. I hope he gets more stuff posted. 'This is much better' Aaron Wherry | July 3, 2007 | 13:52:02 | Permalink aaron.wherry@macleans.rogers.com This is from Marco Ursi, one of our hearty summer interns. In a rock criticism first, he may have actually paid for this ticket. Aside from Pete Townshend, I can
  12. and this and this and this It's looking like there will be a "what we did on our summer vacation" video.
  13. From Rochester? I sat beside you and your wife during Low but the siren call of the stage was too strong... Thanks for posting the pics and video. Cheers
  14. I couldn't have more resect for this band doing this tour - they are doing it for all the right reasons.
  15. This won't really qualify as a celebrity sighting as far as Americans are concerned, but Ron MacLean was in row f or g
  16. Nobody wants to be a mother****** The crowd was totally into it before they came on stage. I think it was the end of IATTBYH - John looked at Jeff and nodded, as if to say "good crowd tonight". This was a great great great show. The best I have seen I think. I met Kalle. He really exists. I got him to put his hand up in front of his face to prove his identity. And we managed to get prime spots. Jeff came right out over the crowd during Hummingbird and I could have head-butted him in the groin (not that I would). Near the end of the main set, some guy tried to climb up on stage. Luc
  17. I gotta say, you are determined...... Are you in Philly? That's a serious drive. signed The Mook (see review above)
  18. around 20 - 22 hours of daylight and the rest is dusk..... no real night
  19. Through a series of happy circumstances, I find myself today in Yellowknife Northwest Territories (find that on your Mapquest) with a ticket to the White Stripes. Life is good
  20. ... and that bobfrombob was there on one of the three nights they recorded for the album
  21. Track 5 is consistently pretty strong: Pick up the Change Forget the Flowers/Kingpin I
  22. first track on the second side was a huge deal
  23. 6:30? I was thinking of driving down for this but I can't leave Ottawa until about 2:30 or 3. That might be cutting it close.
  24. I'm really out of it as far as this next comment goes, but how popular are The Cure right now? Those seem like some big venues???
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