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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. You'd "let" her....yeah right...she would take you down. Down to Chinatown.
  2. I am not even ragging that much on the La's album which I find to be a bore for the most part. I was taking a dig at the bass player, John Power, and his post La's band called Cast. As despicable as Oasis without the charm of Noel. Brit guitar pop by numbers. Awful shite.
  3. His fancy words and awkward phrasing. Who does he think he is? Ferlinghetti?
  4. Someone should pimp that bear up in a big fur and major bling. It could be the Suge Knight of the bear enclosure.
  5. That fucking bitch is mental. You wouldn't even see that type of behaviour in a hangover ridden Sunday league amateur match.
  6. A bold piece of shit. Mawkish and blatant shite for the most part. Worst ending ever. Possibly the worst thing I have ever read. It was such a fucking trial to get through and when I had done with it I threw it out the porthole and into the Atlantic Ocean to die the awful death it deserved.
  7. Looks like my ex-girlfriend in the mornings.
  8. Guns and crazy people. Such a tragedy. Another one in Texas I see. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/8348249.stm
  9. Ah, there are some cool dudes and dudettes hanging out there. And Carter, obviously.
  10. Another album rumour. This will never see fruition and the longer John Power and his insipid BritPop songwriting stays out of the public domain the better.
  11. Also, Californication is bloody great.
  12. So this is an adaptation of an ,obviously beloved, kid's book right? I must admit to never having heard of the book at all but the promos of the movie look really charming. Reading about the book itself I am left wondering how on earth I missed out on it, to not have even heard of it? My childhood was patently incomplete.
  13. Nobody mention Ned's Atomic Dustbin yet? For shame! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ned's_Atomic_Dustbin
  14. I am sad to report that I haven't played this album since the first couple of weeks I had it. It did very little for me I'm afraid.
  15. Like I said, I know very little about them to be honest. I just think his voice is good here and works well with Jay. I know of The Postal Service thing all right.
  16. Yeah, another great show from the boys. Cork this time on the 15 th October.Willy had been ill and the band had to cancel a few gigs beforehand butthankfully he was ok by the time he got to us. Fine setlist too, againno Northline for me boo! White Line Fever We Used To Think The Freeway Sounded Like A River Move Back Here The Boyfriends 43 The Pull Both Born Blue Lonnie Hallway Lost In This World El Tiradito Post To Wire The Gits Making It Back Two Alone I Fell Into Painting House In Phoenix, Arizona Out Of State Winner's Casino Four Walls Maybe one more song in there, can't recall. But
  17. Maybe he keeps his "coloured" friends in little pill dispenser boxes with the day of the week clearly marked on it. Asians for Monday, Africans for Tuesdays, Mexicans for Wednesdays and so on...
  18. I'm enjoying this very much myself as well. Not much of a fan of Death Cab and know very little about them but I quite like the guy's voice. Songs are stong too and it all sounds very fine indeed.
  19. Wow, there's a band you don't see mentioned too often. I actually loved their first 3 albums, up to and including Surfacing. After that they didn't do much for me but I remember seeing them live and loving those records. Go for it!
  20. Loving this and patiently awaiting the newly remastered versions of the classic albums.
  21. That would almost make up for the awful droning shit on the album.
  22. Maybe if they mixed it into a cement mixer. That Strokes album is god awful pish. And don't be dissin' Teenage Fanclub....
  23. Nice one. Love this band a whole damn lot. Small Miracles was gorgeous and so is Jim Cuddy's solo album.
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