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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Calexico

    Ian Dury..

    That's a great song!
  2. Yeah, sorry you had to find out like that.
  3. You think loading a dishwasher means getting your wife drunk.
  4. I am really getting to like this despite the naysayers.
  5. Broadcast from a bong in the front seat of a Prius.
  6. ...I called A Ghost Is Dead for about three weeks after I got it.
  7. .....is the best album ever released, ever. I also lie a lot.
  8. Good for you, you won't be disappointed. I found Sad Songs and Alligator to be slow boilers but eventually, like all good music, they reveal their jewels beautifully. And of course Boxer is one of the top 10 if not 5 albums this year for me.
  9. I find that in most European countries, the people will always be appreciative if you even attempt to use their language and will, if they can, help you out or talk to you in English too. The Spanish are the nicest people I have ever met in this regard. The French being the worst. I was accosted by some twat trying to get me to sign a petition on the street in Bordeaux and when I intimated, in English, that I didn't live there I got the "pfft" lip action from her and she walked away. Bitch.
  10. Fock you and the horse you rode in on!
  11. Same here. Never had a problem with the WinAmp plug in. I much prefer to listen to music on the computer using that.
  12. I like a lot of Adore. I love a lot of the Pumpkins albums. When they were "on", they were unbeatable. Billy just had too much going on in his head and put it all out there when he might have been better served just dishing up the high lights.
  13. Really, fair play to them. They don't really hit it with me to be honest but they do seem sincere and making music for the love of it and for the pleasure of playing.
  14. I have nothing much to say here other than I am just gonna follow Beltmann around the board. Hello Beltmann!
  15. She only wanted you out of the house so you would stop regaling her with stories from famous movie childbirth scenes.
  16. I am listening to this now as I type and while it is no Gish or Siamese Dream, it really isn't half bad. I would certainly put it a notch above the latest half baked shite from QOTSA.
  17. A fuckin' sniper wouldn't take you out.
  18. I hope your man boobs chafe in the heat.
  19. The YHF demos. My Lord, Rhythm is such a gorgeous song.
  20. Must be me then. I thought their previous album was awful shite too. I loved Rated R and Songs...
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