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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. I heartily agree. Iha's solo album was great. Poor ole Bill seems to have lost the plot after Adore. Machina was poor andthat ZWAN thing was an abortion. The little I heard of his solo album made me gag.
  2. God, there's a lotta hate for the new album. I love it, as I have loved all their albums. They are a band that I never view as serious, young men though: just guys out for a fun rocking time and that's how I receive them. A good time rock and roll band. Nothing wrong with some mindless enjoyment now and then.
  3. That's a big downer on Jason leaving the band. I was surprised how long it lasted with three big talents and egos in one band but they made some great stuff when they were together, as did the Truckers before Jason joined. Good luck to both parties and I hope they go on to better things. I wasn't too wild about the last DBT album so hopefully Hood and Cooley can bring some more great stuff to a new album The solo live version of Dress Blues is outstanding, much better than the band version.
  4. I always keep stuff from Uncut and a few various others. More out of a collector's fever than anything else.
  5. Am I the only one not falling over with an erection about this album? Now I never could abide him anyway but this is just painful to listen to.
  6. Every band mentioned on that first post are fucking awful. They should all be put in a room together and be set on fire. The Mojo cd is THE worst free cd I have ever gotten in a magazine. Completely unlistenable balderdash.
  7. Is there a FAC number on the shoes? If there is and they are authentic some arsehole shout be kicked in the head for giving the go ahead for this. Wouldn't happen if Rob Gretton was around!
  8. It's a three way competition between me on the pc with : my son, in another room with: And my daughter in another room with: No wonder the dog took himself off to his little basket in the garage!
  9. Nearly, I so very nearly fell into the looking glass.....
  10. Did you ever scope the way he runs? If that isn't a running style just ASKING to have his legs broken by a hard man defender....
  11. You are mean...that's not a nice way to talk to people. Anyway...instead of starting a new thread...question. What are the stars underneath a person's screen name when you click on the name near the avatar? Some of them are highlighted 5 stars, some not. EDIT: Dammit, why don't I read things. I presume this is it: Rating a User The profile supports a user rating system. This will let other users rate down users that cause problems, or value the rating of good users. To edit the rating, bring up the member's profile, then click on the stars to choose the rating. Carry on!
  12. I'm with you. Up until the part where I read it. Then I didn't comment, only closed it again.
  13. I don't care about the sniggers or whatever but there is some good stuff on this, including the instrumentals.
  14. Christmas Card From A Hooker In Minneapolis Hey Charlie, I'm pregnant and living on 9th Street Right above a dirty bookstore off Euclid Avenue And I stopped takin' dope and I quit drinkin' whiskey And my old man plays the trombone and works out at the track He says that he loves me, even though it's not his baby He says that he'll raise him up like he would his own son And he gave me a ring that was worn by his mother And he takes me out dancin' every Saturday night And hey Charlie, I think about you everytime I pass a fillin' station On account of all the grease you used to wear in your
  15. Great choices but the Fannies first album was A Catholic Education.
  16. Has Tweedy had a heroin problem? I don't recall that,I do recall the prescription drug thing but that's about it.
  17. Never mind all those foreign films, what are you doing with a pic of that diving, prancing tosser in your avatar!? On a lighter note, the tv showed the US vs John Lennon here the other night. Great little flic.
  18. I agree. He sounds relaxed and at ease with himself and obviously the trouble with pills, smoking and the rest have been laid aside and he sounds all the better for it.
  19. I can't get into her simply because she has a face that reminds me of a racehorse.
  20. Get up on Cryptique's fireplace and sing Paul Simon!
  21. I had only just read in this month's Mojo that he has a new one out. I liked the last one he had, the covers of the 80's songs. Of course, for me, nothing he has done will touch the goodness of Fuzzy.
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