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Everything posted by jff

  1. I liked Marry Me, but wasn't able to get into Actor as much. Seemed a little too synthetic. I'm hoping to see her in a couple months when she comes through Atlanta.
  2. Jumped out of an airplane. Turned a dirt hill into a mulched path with various plants on either side. Watched True Blood season three and a couple seasons of Dexter. It's been way too hot to do anything else.
  3. Is this available again? I've had it in my queue for five years, after seeing it at Best Buy, but it's never actually been available on Netflix ever since I heard about it.
  4. That was really funny. If that song is any indication, The Blisters are a pretty damn good band.
  5. 2 looks sad. Tattoo artists forgot to do his elbow. Give him a break.
  6. It makes me feel good to know something every once in a while.
  7. Southern Shelter http://www.southernshelter.com
  8. It was amazing. They played in a big church at Emory University. Good venue choice. No concessions, so people weren't constantly getting up to drink and piss like they would have been if it were at an actual music venue. That would have been extremely distracting at a that particular show.
  9. If the best song on The Whole Love is almost as good as Own it, I'll be pleased.
  10. My wife saw the Joshue Tree tour and the opener was Bo Diddley. Great lineup! Good call. I saw them open with that, and I remember thinking "this is already the best concert I've ever seen."
  11. I'm not trying to argue. Maybe another event would have been there on that date, maybe not. Who cares? I would never eat any of the shit (meat or other) they sell at stadiums anyway, so I really don't care what Paul demands.
  12. I've never seen U2, but I saw JJ Cale do something like this, except it unfolded over several songs. Just him and one or two guys for the first song, then an additional member per song until a six or seven piece band was out there. Pretty neat way to pace the first several songs of a show.
  13. Shakti walking out onto the stage and picking up their instruments was a more amazing opening than any rock show opener I've ever seen. ICP Orchestra was another great one. Han Bennink walked out holding two short pieces of 2x4 and used them to play an a mind boggling percussion solo on the floor of the aisle while the rest of the band got situated.
  14. I wonder if Paul going to set up a fund to compensate for the lost wages of the meat vendors who are going to be out of work for the night.
  15. At the end of the interview, it sounded to me like the interviewer said "Give me a hug, Brah." I don't know what he really said, but that was funny to me after Tweedy's comment about Obama saying something that sounded like "I love you" on his phone message.
  16. For god's sake, how many minutes do you have to listen to the interviewer blab about world territories before Tweedy says anything of interest?
  17. I just saw Big Time last night for the first time. Netflix has it on instant play. Pretty amazing concert/concept film. It looks like someone who works for Netflix transferred their VHS copy. I'll bet it'll disappear from their collection before long, so if you have Netflix and haven't seen it, check it out.
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