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Everything posted by jff

  1. True. Who Are the Brain Police? being another.
  2. Mommy, What's a Funkadelic? - - Funkadelic
  3. Wouldn't it be Nice? - Beach Boys Didja Get any Onya? - Zappa/Mothers
  4. Mommy, Can I Go Out and Kill Tonight? - - Misfits
  5. I sort of feel the same way. I listened to this this morning in the car. All the songs are at least a minute too long, and there are too many songs. A few of the songs feel like exact replicas of other songs on the album. If they had cut three songs, and made all the songs shorter, this may have been a fantastic album.
  6. My mother in law has a trip booked to Egypt in April. She swears everything will be cool by then.
  7. What website? Via Chicago?
  8. jff

    New Studio Pix

    It's a IKEA couch. Too much risk of breakage if they try to move it.
  9. jff

    New Studio Pix

    The next Wilco album could probaly benefit from a few random kid screams and dog barks.
  10. When AM was new, one of my coworkers put it on the mix in the restaurant where I worked. It stayed in the mix for months. I really liked those songs, and if it weren't for hearing them in that context, there's a very good chance that Wilco would be just another Radiohead, or something, to me. A band that is supposed to be really good, and who has a few songs I know and like, but that I've never given serious consideration.
  11. WTA is the only album in Wilco's catalog, other than perhaps AM, that feels to me like an album some other band could have put out. To me, that's what makes it their weakest album.
  12. Definitely has potential.
  13. I predict bands will startt making videos again just so they can get made fun of by Beavis & Butthead.
  14. I'd rather err on the side of caution than be hardheaded on the side of carelessness.
  15. Probably not a bad idea. Nels and Glenn get their moments on the albums and on stage, but rather than them fitting their styles into the confines of (sometimes relatively) dull pop rock tunes, why not use their unique playing styles as the basis for creating something new?
  16. I'll give JB credit for that, too. The man clearly has great taste in guitars.
  17. Have you listened to Nels's playing on Mike Watt's Contemplating the Engine Room? It's a lot different than what he does on most of his own releases. That's his best sideman playing that I've heard, and I'd ike to hear a bit of that adventurousness in whis contributions to Wilco. I know this thread has sort of turned into a Nels discussion, but ultimately, I think Tweedy is letting Glenn's talents go to waste, too.
  18. True. Hopefully that'll change.
  19. Re: the soft rock vibe. I think this might have something to do with Nels wanting to find his spot in the music, which can be difficult when you have so many people in a band. Maybe he feels that if he raunches up his sound it won't fit in with the band sound. But all one has to do is listen to Miles Davis circa late '60s through mid '70s (which Nels is definitely extremely familiar with) to know that a musician in a band with six members can play some very nasty sounding stuff without dominating the sound of the band. In other words, I think Nels generally plays it safe in Wilco. May
  20. Fair enough. I've given him a few chances. He failed. I like some of the cover versions I've heard of These Days. I'll give him that one.
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