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Everything posted by jff

  1. I never heard that album. Their album cover always makes me think of this guy:
  2. Lone Rhino is a good one too. Lately he's been playing/touring with a couple kids from Paul Green's Scool of Rock. A brother-sister duo, if I'm not mistaken. I was pretty impressed by the youtube clips I saw.
  3. Either I'm misunderstanding this thread, or someone thinks Born to Run is better than Electric Ladyland.
  4. I'm more into jazz than singer-songwriters. Armstrong Hampton is my favorite.
  5. Eh, he's ok, but I prefer Croce Denver.
  6. In my experience, the number of times I feel I've been "street teamed" is virtually non-existant compared to the amount genuine praise I hear/read from regular fans. Does street teaming still happen, and where would I find some examples? (aside, of course, from XM radio's indie rock station) EDIT: I posted this beofre reading the street teamer post about "Crosby Loggins".
  7. Whoa, what the hell? Looks ridiculous. When can I get a ticket?
  8. Cool. Before I owned Doolittle, I had the Monkey Gone to Heaven ep. I loved Manta Ray, Weird at My School, etc. It'd be fun to hear those songs.
  9. The weather in Atlanta is much nicer in January/february than it is in Chicago or New England. Maybe Atlanta will get a winter show.
  10. I'm not sure the percentage. I just bought whatever rubbing alcohol (isopropyl) was on the shelf at the drug store. I poured out a small amount of the water before adding the alcohol. I didn't measure the exact amount I was poured out.
  11. I don't know anything about the official D4 solution, but the vinyl expert at my local shop that still sells phono cartridges says to make a homemade version, just buy a gallon of distilled water and add a little bit of isopropyl alcohol. I forget the exact mixture. I think I used 1/4 cup, or something. I've never had any trouble with that mixture. I mixed it up eight years ago and still have 90% of it. There's another thread around here somewhere where this was discussed a bit.
  12. And then all current and former members will come together as one...
  13. That's a strong possibility. I haven't listened to the commentary, but it's pretty clear from the film that the "obsolete" comment has to do with the fact that Wilco had been a pretty straight forward two guitar rock band for a while and were moving in different directions. I would imagine that Tweedy thought the two guitars on that song (I can't even remember what song it is now) sounded like they were treading water rather than moving forward.
  14. That sums up my take on it. I always felt the better examples of the growing wedge between Bennett and Tweedy were the scenes in which Bennett wanted to play some "easy rockers" at an upcoming show, rather than working up some of the newer tunes, and the scene in which Tweedy claims that "two guitars is obsolete", to which Bennett responds "I don't know what that means."
  15. I agree. I also don't like when the cd itself has no writing on it and only has art which offers no clue as to what band or album the cd is.
  16. Basically, they're both saying "Heavy Metal Drummer needs to start off with 8 beats worth of a really goofy and dated drum machine rhythm".
  17. I could be wrong, but it seemed to me that Jeff and Jay were on the same page in terms of what they were attempting to do with the HMD intro, but for whatever reason they were unable to realize it. I think if they each had done the version they were striving towards, the end products would have been virtually identical. If each of them had stopped talking, and simply listened to what Jay was working on, there may not have been a conflict at all. Of course, this theory discounts however much footage there was relaing to the conflict that didn't make it into the film.
  18. 1. First Concert, when? JVC Jazz Festival, Fox Theater, Atlanta, 1988. Lee Ritenour & George Benson. 2. First Concert you really wanted to go to and did? The Who, The Kids are Alright Tour, 1989, Lakewood Amphitheater, Atlanta (4th Row) 3. Favorite Band? Flap 4. How Many Times have you seen them? Approximately 50 5. Worst concert you attended? Motley Crue, 2007, or Concrete Blonde, 1993 or 1994. 6. Favorite? Polvo, Midtown Music Hall, Atlanta (touring in support of "Celebrate the New Dark Age") 7. Band you have seen the most? Flap 8. How many times? 50+ 9. Furthest you
  19. I did not know where that sample came from until I read this thread. I always wondered, though. And I had never heard of the movie Wild Style. Now I know a whole bunch of stuff I didn't know when I woke up this morning. I found it interesting that Spawn's Dad even assigned the dialog to the members of the Beasties. It makes me wish it really was them saying those things. ... Now, back to Nels. I wonder how many murals he'd paint for some of that ass.
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