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Everything posted by jff

  1. I don't know what the recording is, but I'd like to get a copy. Do you know what it is?
  2. That dialog is a sample from Wild Style. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_Style
  3. I've transcribed below the Tape Op article about Jay Bennett. This is the best thing I've read about him since his passing. Despite his falling out with Tweedy/Wilco, I can see from this article why it must've been inspiring to work with Jay. ----------------------------------------- Jay Bennett, by Jason T. Lewis I feel like I have to say a little about Jay's passing. He was one of those rare people that came into my life at a time when I was ready to learn and he taught me more than I can say about recording, music and how to be an open, giving presence in life. He taught me how
  4. Milt Jackson approves this message.
  5. jff


    I've been tryiong to think of what that tune was all day. Thanks. I was thinking it was something off of this:
  6. What do I need to do to get them to play in Casablanca, Morocco next February?
  7. The problem with this argument is that Nels would still be doing that even if he left Wilco. Maybe moreso with his own band. The problem would be that in his own band, he wouldn't be touring in a comfortable bus and playing venues with nice, clean, catered backstage band rooms. He wouldn't have roadies and guitar techs loading and maintaining his equipment. On his own, he'd be touring in a crowded van, and having to fend for himself every time he wanted to eat, or needed to get his equipment repaired. And he'd be doing the heavy lifting before and after every show.
  8. Whatever they are, you could probably find some knock-offs for $8 here: http://zennioptical.com/cart/home.php
  9. There is no "ask". Wilco earns most of their money on the road, therefore, it is pefectly reasonable to expect there to be more dates after this tour ends. I see no problem with people hoping their city or state will be included in whatever future dates are announced. I certainly hope they come to Atlanta in the Fall and/or Winter. (I'm glad they didn't come here on the Summer tour, because that means they won't be playing the retchid Chastain Park Always Rains and Everyone Talks Through the Concert Amphitheater).
  10. Maybe. For one thing, there haven't been any "Jay vs. Nels" threads ever since Jay passed away.
  11. -Most obvious attempts by the Rolling Stones and/or Kiss to keep up with ever changing trends.
  12. Name every album that Elvin Jones plays on.
  13. I got my new issue of Tape Op magazine yesterday in the mail. There's a really nice Jay Bennett tribute/story at the end of the issue. It's far and away the best thing I've ever read about him. I doubt it's available online, but I might have time to transcribe it tomorrow.
  14. Is that the place where Wilco (The Album)'s cover shoot took place?
  15. Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, Respect.
  16. I heard the same thing. What a bummer. I never read his boooks, but I listened to Angela's Ashes on tape a couple years ago (read by McCourt) during my commute and it was wonderful. His "Historic Pubs of Dublin" PBS special is really great, too.
  17. Hampton Grease Band: Music to Eat
  18. Lowell George? Or Robert Fripp...he's a tiny little man, so I assume he has little feet.
  19. What is...Nirvana, Nevermind photo shoot outtakes?
  20. Bow Wow Wow: (I don't know the name of the album) Pogues: Rum, Sodomy and the Lash.
  21. That early? Wow, that's impressive.
  22. The dubious honor of being the second worst selling album in the Columbia Records catalog, beaten only by a yoga record, belongs to ________________?
  23. Correct. http://romanedirisinghe.com/2006/08/02/the-trout-mask-replica-house/
  24. I almost got to attend Mo's "RnR Hall of Fame party". The local newspaper said it was being held at a pizza restaurant in Douglasville, GA, and it was open to the public. Some friends and I drove to Douglasville (only a 20 mile journey) and started asking people at a gas station if they knew where the pizza place was. Nobody knew of the place, so we somehow found the phone number of the restaurant and they told us they were in Douglas, GA, not Douglasville. Douglas, GA is a four+ hour drive, and the party was already in progress, so we were out of luck. I'll reveal the answer to this
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