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Everything posted by jff

  1. I read the daily adventures five or six years ago. Classic stuff! Who was the band he was documenting? I never figured it out.
  2. Upon hearing the news, Miles Davis punched Satan's girfriend in the face.
  3. That was intended as a poke at this website and our "Jay Bennett needs to let it go" threads which pop up ever few weeks.
  4. Oh, ok, well, didn't Tweedy throw out the first pitch at a Cubs game a couple years ago? Also, there is a cardinal on that license plate.
  5. I take it the White Sox plate is a subtle jab at Tweedy, who apparently favors the Cubs. Will Bennett ever just let it go?
  6. I could take or leave Nirvana, but it would have been interesting to hear them attempt to be like REM. Since this is a Toadies thread, I recall seeing a photo set in RS from one of the early Lollapalooza tours. Flaming Lips and Toadies were among the side stage acts that were pictures (actually, now that I think of it, I may be confusing Toadies with the Frogs).
  7. Nirvana = What's the Frequency Kenneth? Interesting theory. I also recall a Rolling Stone article in which Cobain said he wanted to be like REM, but the he killed himself before making any more music.
  8. I recall a Nirvana backlash a few months after Nevermind came out because grungelitists thought it was TOO tuneful.
  9. Seth Rogen was on Leno last week promoting this movie. I wanted to see this until I saw the clip they showed. Even Leno's studio audience didn't appear to be entertained.
  10. Well damn, maybe I bought Wow longer ago than I thought. Either that, or Borders had a stash sitting around.
  11. It's funny that he went from being a professional musician to commercial airline pilot back to professional musician.
  12. Steve Morse "Tumeni Notes". I can't help but love this guy, but I doubt I'd make it through a whole album.
  13. I thought this stuff just got reissued. Borders had all of them a few months ago, and I bought Wow. Are these already out of print?
  14. Bummer, I didn't start going to their shows untuil the following year. I must've seen them at the Omni five or six times, but I never knew the '90 run was so higly regarded.
  15. There's an article on Gary & Mark in the new Acoustic Guitar magazine. They aren't mentioned on the cover, and I haven't read the article yet, but I thought i'd throw that out there since there are a number of fans of those guys here.
  16. They could make a chicken fight mini-series and it'd be funny all the way through, but they went way overboard with the shaboopie football dance. That was just stupid.
  17. If earth were nothing but an empty shell below the crust, and we opened up a hatch and dumped all the garbage we've produced since the advent of garbage collection, what percebntage of the earth do you suppose would be filled up?
  18. HA! Yeah, it is out of context, you're right. I agree with everything you said. The guy is arrogant and pretentious as hell, but probably not an asshole...I know he offers his employees health benefits, so that's pretty awesome of him.
  19. You and I are both from Atlanta, if I'm not mistaken. I don't know which stores you're referring to, but here's a telling bit from a recent interview with the folks at Criminal Records: Sias: What albums have always been strong sellers throughout the years? Levin: Whatever we're into at the time. (Levin is the owner of Criminal Records) Entire interview here: http://www.pinemagazine.com/site/article/1908
  20. Thanks for that. Nels has ANOTHER new album out, this time with the Acoustic Guitar Trio. I haven't hear it yet, but here's what Nels has to say about it (courtesy of Downtown Music Gallery's weekly email): ACOUSTIC GUITAR TRIO [ROD POOLE/NELS CLINE/JIM McAULEY] - Acoustic Guitar Trio (Long Song 112; Italy) Recorded at Downtown Playhouse, Los Angeles, July 26th, 2003. Rod Poole (acoustic guitar, bowed guitar). Nels Cline (acoustic guitars). Jim McAuley (acoustic guitars). When I received the info on this fine disc, it included these words from Nels Cline which I felt were most ap
  21. That's a great album cover.
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