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Everything posted by jff

  1. Oteil was living in Atlanta for many years before joining the ABB. Not sure if he still lives here, though.
  2. Damn, no Georgia date? That doesn't seem right.
  3. Exene's singing made X a worse band than they would have been without her.
  4. Four. Three if your most important band member dies.
  5. Being a 15 yesar old girl in Florida. Case closed.
  6. Maybe whatever meds you take when you have MS do a lot of damage to your brain's ability to fiunction rationally.
  7. jff

    Nels Cline

    Just got my Macroscope LP in the mail yesterday. It's so good. It only has seven songs, though, so buyer beware. I guess I should have known they'd have to cut some songs since none of the Singers releases to date could fit on a single record.
  8. Angel Olsen - Burn Your Fire For No Witness
  9. If memory serves, they opened with that one at both shows. Jimmy Rip's solo on that at the Atlanta show was unbelievable.
  10. I've seen them twice in the last six moths and they didn't play anything from Adventure either time. Both were great shows, but I would have liked to have heard some of those songs.
  11. That would be incredible. Fingers crossed that the creep(s) that took your car get nailed.
  12. That's great news. Most of the time where I live, if a car is stolen and not gutted, it's because it was stolen to be used in a crime spree and then ditched. Did there happen to be a crime spree in your general vicinity in the time since your car was stolen? If so, the police may be able to tie any evidence from that in with any evidence they may have associated with your and your neighbor's cars and hopefully catch the cretins.
  13. Flaming Lips. I don't even really consider them a band, or a music act.
  14. Coincidentally, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion Orange is the featured record today on My Husband's Stupid Record Collection. http://alltherecords.tumblr.com/?og=1
  15. Hopefully Glenn gets paid every time it airs.
  16. There was a song that I heard on the radio two or three times that I thik was them that blew me away. I can't confirm that it was them. Everything that I've heard that I know for a fact is them, is just ok to me. Maybe there's something to that. I don't really like JS's persona, but I like what they do with their instruments..
  17. I got to open for him once and met him after the show in the early '00s (after he had already spent 15 or 20 minutes selling shirts from the stage). I could tell he was kind of wiped out and wanted to have some peace and quiet, but he was trying his best to be hospitable. He was saying something about seeing Alice Cooper in the '70s. I didn't stick around and bother him. I was only in his space because we were in the middle of loading out. Definitely seems like a super cool guy. Gotta say though, I don't like his "sickness opera" record he did with the organ player.
  18. Yeah, no doubt. I don't remember what was talked about that evening (I was in a shitty mood because I had played pretty poorly and caught hell for it from the singer right after we left the stage). It was more a group thing with ed, and not one on one. He was totally cool, though, and that helped bring me out of my funk. The only thing I know about him in regard to touring with fIREHOSE is that he didn't like Captain Beefheart, which was baffling to Watt and Georgie Hurley. Apparently, that was what they liked to play during tour drives. If you want Watt stories though, you should read
  19. I've been there.* I know that sinking feeling. Things will work out, but in the meantime, positive vibes to you. *Some guys stole a bike and put it into my car (82 Buick Regal...those things were begging to be stolen in the '90s) and took off. The owner of the bike saw them do it and got my tag number. He reported his bike stolen before I knew my car was gone, so the cops were looking for me before I even knew anything had happened. It was difficult to make the cops understand what the situation was. They ended up finding the car a week or two later, gutted to the bare metal, with a
  20. You're welcome. I got to have a couple beers with ed fROMOHIO in Austin on that tour, so for that and many other reasons I'm eternally grateful to the entire Superchunk organization.
  21. That's not one of the ones I got, but I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks!
  22. That's a large part of the allure of African music for me, too.
  23. There are also a few African artists on my Amazon wish list that I intend to check out as soon as I can: Franco from the Congo. Tal National from NIger. I.K. Dairo from Nigeria.
  24. Tinariwen has some cool records. I recently came across a couple of King Sunny Ade records for $1 each, and they're both really good. Fela Kuti is always a favorite. The Osibisa self-titled record is really good in sort of an early Santana-ish, but Ghanaian rather than Mexican by way of San Francisco sort of way. I'll second Mulato Astatke.
  25. Rock*A*Teens. I was only with them for that tour, and a quick trip up to NYC, plus one recording session. They've reunited, by the way (I'm not in the band). First shows in 12 years start this weekend in Charleston, with a tour of the northeast later this summer. I recommend going to see them.
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