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Everything posted by jff

  1. I've seen this band in multiple publications compared to Springsteen. Is that fair?
  2. Ha! I genuinely get a kick out of the fact that people do shit like this.
  3. There are definitely some pretty bizarre science fiction scenarios that would arise once concerts are added to the mix. I'm sure a lot of science fiction writing is based on flimsier premises, though. All the more reason to go with option 2.
  4. Angel Olsen - Burn Your Fire For No Witness. Best album of 2014.
  5. I'm still sticking with #2. If you choose #1, you'd probably get to a point within a few years in which you'd never get to go to any more concerts.
  6. I hadn't thought about it from that angle. Fair point.
  7. Nobody would be forced to listen to anything. You would, however, need to have an unjaded approach towards discovering new and old music you enjoy but didn't already know about.
  8. I have no idea what you mean by "best move'? Can you clarify?
  9. I'm going to strengthen my opinion that #2 is the only choice for me. It'd be tough to never hear old favorites again, but taking away any possibility that I would discover great new music, or have a favorite new band ever again is far worse. Like contemplating suicide level of worse.
  10. It wouldn't be easy, but I'd choose 2. I would have said the opposite five years ago, but I feel like I'm in a golden age of discovering amazing new music and old music I had never heard before. Plus, I still have a pretty good memory, so the music I already know and love wouldn't really go away.
  11. Hopefully whoever they get to replace Letterman will be better than Seth Myers. His show is a disaster on every possible level.
  12. The Cars Wayne Shorter - Adam's Apple Stevie Wonder - Talking Book
  13. Here's a review from Premier Guitar magazine, with a pretty blazing song stream. http://www.premierguitar.com/articles/20597-the-nels-cline-singers-macroscope-album-review
  14. Big Brother and the Holding Company Featuring Janis Joplin (better than Cheap Thrills) Polvo - Today's Active Lifestyles
  15. Television w/ Shannon Wright
  16. Black Sabbath: Paranoid David Bowie: Lodger
  17. I was listening to Dave Douglas's Strange Liberation the other day. I found myself thinking it was enjoyable enough, but I didn't need to own it anymore and that I'd list it on Amazon, but then a Bill Frisell solo came along that was so mind-bending and bizarrely beautiful that I decided I'd keep it.
  18. jff


    No more stupid than the entire premise of the show, and most of the storylines.
  19. jff


    I didn't think the Dexter finale was as bad as it's reputation would lead one to believe. That, however, could be because I watched it with the awareness that it had been heavily criticized, so I was expecting something really stupid. What was there to get?
  20. jff


    Laziest tv series ending ever. Most unanswered questions of any tv series ever, by a million light years. This series had its moments and was a good concept in theory, but I rate this show CRAP for how massively it was bungled and how far out of control it got from its creators.
  21. I would say this video is not even close to the reality of the "old days." At least in the Atlanta metro area, there used to be countless amazing instruent shops. Some parts of town had long stretches of road lined with one great shop after another. But I stil think it's a funny video.
  22. John Stirratt did one some time back. now it's Tweedy's turn, and it's pretty hilarious. http://youtu.be/gbhT9-d0AKw
  23. We are very fortunate for that, indeed. I would even take it one further, for myself at least, in that I can't think of a single jazz recoding that I'm burned out on. Even with something I've heard countless times, like Kind of Blue, or some of Monk's stuff, or even Time Out, I find new treasures hidden within those records every time I listen.
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