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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. That is my guess too! Will be strolling in around 845 tonight! I really hope I get to hear Jukebox of Steel! Heard they just started play this!
  2. I Must be High Casino Queen Box Full of Letters Shouldn't Be Ashamed or Nothingsever Pieholden How to Fight Via Chicago
  3. It is not good news only on paper. It shows the general health of the markets and economy. Yes the unemployement rates are terrible and lots of people are in bad shape but the rise in the dow shows more money is being injected into the system which will eventually trickle down into more hiring and spending by said companies which will help lift the economy. Sure we are a long way off but the trend is good. Interest rates have also creeped up. Believe me I am very very far away from being even in the wealthiest 50% of Americans but this recovery in the dow has helped my holdings significantly a
  4. Let me give you the best example of why I like Obama and most of his policies... Tax cuts, credits I got from Bush: $600 Tax credits, cuts I got from Obama $9500 Yes I did buy a house Dec 2008 and a new furnace and windows but the first time home buyers credit and, furnace and energy efficient credits were enacted by Obama. I also like how he is closing off the national parks to further logging, raising fuel efficiency standards and capping of emmissions. In addition he signed the obvious bill of equal pay for equal work. I have several other reasons why I am happier under Obama than Bus
  5. Man RIP! My grandfather died of the same cause so I know it is not pleasant. I did have the honor of meeting Patrick back about 10 years ago and he was very friendly and an all around nice guy!
  6. I didn't do anything in particular on Sept 11 but I did watch on the History Channel the story of the World Trade Center Marriott which was very moving. I didn't realize this 25 story building also collapsed that day and how 14 people survived by being in the right place at the right time. It was very touching and was another angle of The World Trade Center sight from that day that I was unaware of. It is also irnic how the 1993 WTC bombings and the aftermath saved the lives of this group of 14 people at the Marriott. Did anyone catch this?
  7. I have a hard time getting into Camper..maybe it is because I grew up only knowing of Cracker. I did see Camper about 2 years ago and they were fun but I am a Cracker fan. I want to give Camper a good try though...recommendations on where to start?
  8. I saw them once and it was great live expierence. Very passionate and energetic! I hope they tour again soon!
  9. I revived my old Cracker thread from 2006 in Someone Else's Song... had a few Cracker fans then here at that time.
  10. I guess I need to revive this thread ala 2009! Greenland and Sunrise are two solid additions since 2006. Anyone have these?
  11. Not sure if this has been mentioned. Big Star are playing in Brooklyn soon.. http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2009/09/big_star_releas.html#more
  12. I asked him about the new album..which strangely they are recording parts of it in CT. He said it will be quite awhile before it is released! I spoke to him for a few minutes. I think he was shocked anyone recognized him!
  13. I remember spin giving Son Volts Straigtaways a 2 out of 10! It is one of my Favorites and don't get how it could get less than an 8 by anyone?
  14. I agree..Cracker always seems to be under the radar! I love when the bust out the random tunes too. Last time I saw them they did St Cajean, Happy Birthday to Me and Take me Down to the Infirmary! Hickman is a great underated guiatrist too! I see them every opportunity I get!
  15. I scored a cheap ticket to see the Pet Shop Boys at the Hammerstein in NYC and decided to have a night out. I am glad I went. Let me start by saying I know very few of their songs. Although the music was good the thing that had me floored was the staging. The lighting, props, visuals were phenominal. I highly recommend seeing them if they come to your neck of the woods. Here are some pictures of the show. I didn't take these but you get the idea! Also review/pics from Brooklynvegan http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2009/09/pet_shop_boys_h.html#more http://www.flickr.com/photos/15
  16. Clark, NJ Free music fest with They Might Be Giants, Minus 5, Pete Yorn, Gin Blossoms, Glenn Tillbrook, Kenny Wayne Shepherd and more.. http://www.ucmusicfest.com/
  17. Just saw them in NYC maybe 2 months ago. Cracker always puts on a great show. New album stuff is fun live! Cracker are also very good at mixing up their setlist! Have a great time!
  18. Sweet...I am seeing the Minus 5 in 10 days!
  19. Here comes the spelling police! Lock me up guilty as charged!
  20. I can't wait to see it! I give them major credit for touring the out of reach places even taking big financial hits for it. I am sure the crowds and sights were interesting and the mini concerts they did were also compelling. Yay!
  21. Yeah I always though you had to serve at least 80% of your sentence?! I am appalled this happened too!
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