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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Jeff crowd surfed at the first Wilco show I went to 2/15/97 Irving Plaza.
  2. Nice..didn't know about the radio show! Funny thing on the only tour I missed is when they toured with the Doves..I still have not seen the Doves live. To the topic starter sorry to hijack the thread but I am glad to find a fellow Elbow fan a much deserved band!
  3. Nice..I have been fortunate to have seen them 3 times now...once per tour not counting the Cast of a Thousand Tour. I caught their Webster Hall NYC show back in early 2008. They keep getting better and better. Forget Myself, Leades of The Free World, Bones or You, Newborn and Tower Crane Driver are epic live! They are very very underatted and have definatley not caught on here in the USA. First time I saw them there were maybe 50 people at the show!
  4. Hey how was the Elbow show...Seldom Seen Kid is a great cd! Another point about concert rudeness is people who bring large pocketbooks and bookbags and they wack you all night without even caring!
  5. I am 6'1"..I never push my way to the front. If I get there early and I earn the front I take it (9 times out of 10 I hang back). I do howver try and be off to the side to block as few people as possible but if it will take away my enjoyment from the show or if I can't see from the sides then I go to where I can see. There are times even being 6'!" I can't even see the stage. I agree with the comments that if you let 1 go then it creates the domino effect. BTW NYC peps must be the tallest concert goers I have seen in all the cities I have seen concerts in.
  6. RIP http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090813/ap_on_en_mu/us_obit_les_paul_7
  7. http://www.jetblue.com/deals/all-you-can-jet/?intcmp=HPHero1Eng_All-You-Can-JetPass They fly all over the Carribean and to Jamaica, Costa Rica all over the east and west coast! Uggh!
  8. Straightfaced, Driving the View, Medicine Hat and Question are def in my top 10 Son Volt Songs!
  9. I liked the Nudie Suites Mike Mills rocked from 94-99...maybe that influenced them too as they did tour together then?
  10. Yeah nothing off of Straighaways and Wide Swing!
  11. Son Volt has been doing 10 Second News Recently! Sweet! I hope to hear it in NY on Sept 17!
  12. Thanks Y'all! I was so busy partying last night at a Brizillan BBQ that I didn't see this thread! Appreciate the wishes now and here I am Saturday morning still fending my food hangover! It is ok..I admit I am a dolt when it comes to spelling!
  13. Yeah http://www.vvinyl.com/ Store is enormus and is awesome! Kinda of like Aemoba of the East Coast!
  14. Ha..I just purchased that on cd! I just saw them live last week (Part of All Points West) and realized I don't have any of their albums so I picked up Loveless and should have it at my door this weekend!
  15. We keep it interesting here. Welcome to viachicago!
  16. Prefab I am not denying that you are a fan. The problem is over the years I have been on this page I have seen hundreds of people sign up to promote an album and never hear from them again. Your post came 20 minutes after you signed up. You also have a screen name that related to the product you are trying to promote(There is nothing wrong with using other bands names but for a first post that is a little suspicous). Why did you sign up? To disucss Wilco or to promote an album? We also just had a thread about street teamers less than a day ago. If you browsed the threads you would see that eve
  17. Yes...one of those days Sometimes my Wilco/Springsteen fandom comes out...I was prob thinking Nils Lofgren..
  18. I like Jet Pilot better than Theologians... Anyhoo..I like American Central Dust better as a whole but the Wilco album has better individual songs... I still love both bands and appreciate every contribution both bands make!
  19. Your first post had nothing to do with Wilco only promoting a new album. If you are a fan of Wilco talk about them. When did you see them in concert, what songs do you like, do you like Nils? Give us something to go with besides peddeling a new album to show you are a fan. That is not a good first post.
  20. I feel like a kid in a candy store! I don't know where to start! I am going to go to the record store this weekend and probably drop a few hundred dollars...this can be dangerous!
  21. I just got a new turntable (Stanton T62). I hadn't listened to my record collection in about 5 years (Used to use my dads turntable at home). So I really haven't bought a new record in years. Which albums do you say should be on my short list for vinyl? Are they albums that just need to be heard on vinyl verse cd. Although all below are not necessarily new my short list for immediate purchase is Elliott Smith XO, Either/Or Radiohead The Bends, Ok Computer REM Everything past Green! Cure Boys Don't Cry, Faith Wilco Being There, Yankee
  22. I would say with most bands the first track first album. They have to grab the listeners attention immediatley and they only get 1 shot! I Must be High for me!
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