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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Better, but what if I'm not a fan of either Animal Planet or The Weather Channel? P.S. I'm glad dogs are winning.
  2. I'm fine with the poll, it's your reasoning for including neither but excluding both I'm having a problem with. Carry on good sir.
  3. Don't you need to update your facebook page so the young (13-17) hotties can check you out? P.S. it's JUDE
  4. Only when I gobble up a bunch of trucker speed and can't pee for like 8 hours and then I finally can, but it comes out in spurts and takes like 15 minutes.
  5. I saw like 2 minutes of this one night and some 14 year olds were playing flight of icarus, I thought it kinda rocked.
  6. So let me get this straight, all Republicans think and the party platform is based upon: No Taxes at all, eliminate all government funding for infrastructure and education and all health programs. Wow, where do I sign up?
  7. I'm a fan, but I'm also a dork and like weird/bizzare shit.
  8. I thinks the saying is 'off the hook'.
  9. If Hillary gets the nomination, she
  10. Yeah, I think he is actually.
  11. Everyone knows carbohydrates are the devils tools.
  12. Didn't Edwards have that Crossing Over show where he talked to dead people and shit? I liked that show.
  13. I know one, but she's a chiropractor/sports medicine specialist so not a "real" doctor and she's not rich, lot's of student loan debt, etc. She is pretty hot though, of course she's married to one of my good freinds, I was in the wedding and that was fun.
  14. Why do you think so many doctors are having to get roomates to help cover utilities, etc?
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