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Everything posted by Pecan_Pie

  1. And Extremely bright and not to my taste.
  2. I've watched it an uncountable number of times... friends you have to educate them. I especially like when they think this was filmed in the 30s or 40s due to the black and white. And what's up this Wilco being indie bullshit. They were never indie ever. Go look at the labels on AM.
  3. This new song sounds just like the band. As HMD sounds alot like stagefright.
  4. Jayhawks Blue Rodeo Cowboy Junkies Ani Difranco Flaming Lips Elliott Smith Dresden Dolls John Butler Trio Giant Drag Magnolia Electric Co Westerberg solo and my favorite among the bunch, James McMurtry.
  5. Link for Floyd Tabs Under their appropriate albums of course.
  6. If you play long enough... you'll get it. Practice, Practice, Practice. Also try playing Wot's Uh... The Deal by Pink Floyd. Taught me well. So did Brain Damage... Pink Floyd for fingerpicking.
  7. So is this new James Bond going to be a normal action film? That's all that song sounds like to me, a boring normal action flick.
  8. Dark star, st. stephen, etc. I'll have to agree with Desolation Row also. thirded.
  9. The Good Part was a B-side to War on War... hardly a new song.
  10. Damn... I thought they were similar to Martin's in that respect. Oh well. Still fuckin' rocks. I've seen him playing an OM then
  11. I've even seen Jeff playing a 000 that joined at the 12th fret... pretty sweet. An OM (orchestra model) is a smaller bodied guitar thatn a dreadnought that offers a much more balanced tone and is better used with fingerstyle or light strumming. A 000 has the same body shape as an OM, but has a different scale length, shorter. I think it's 24 3/4 inches... but it might be 24 1/2. Doesn't matter though, Santa Cruz's a sweet anyways.
  12. Yes, of course this would make 10 times more sense. I mean they're like a hundred bucks anyways. Keep rockin' that Hot Rod Deluxe! Thoses are some pretty killer amps. Especially when you have the Clean channel loud enough to give you some distortion
  13. I thought the Epi Junior was a tube amp... hence the Valve part in the name. 1 12ax7 and 1 EL84 right?
  14. They don't exactly have Bob Egan anymore, that'd be Blue Rodeo, and Bob Egan kicked major ass when I saw him with Blue Rodeo last week. I much prefer them with pedal on only a few songs. Gun with a pedal steel? Come on!
  15. I'd say everything Wilco, I'm still Dylaned out from a few years ago.
  16. I did not enjoy Kris Kristopherson's set, but ya know I can say "I saw Kris Kristopherson perfrom Me and Bobby McGee." I had trouble dealing with him having trouble hitting the right notes, missing beat after beat on the guitar, and just cutting off the songs at the end, without an ending really. Hell of a songwriter though for sure. Townes could sing though man, and I really do think that Townes is a hundred times the songwriter that KK is.
  17. Ya Know... 5 watts tube is rather loud lol i have my amp set on 10 watts most of the time... not 20.
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