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Everything posted by Pecan_Pie

  1. Hey Nick I was gonna suggest this thread to you... then i saw you started it! Anyways the person with the helpful advice on the wattage was very helpful in reaffirming that I really do need a Twin Reverb . You know what I think though, Blues Jr. is a sweet little amp without the hell of alot of distortion but that great blues tone. Never played a Pro Jr. Oh and you should try every amp possible out, every amp is different and one may be it for you. And for the wattage thing, I think that the sound depends on speaker size much more than actual wattage (Pro Jr. will be quieter with less b
  2. Thank you!!!! I've been trying to figure this one out for a while now without any luck and your's is dead on. Thank you!
  3. It actually sounds really great. Very warm cause of the humbuckers and hollowbody, but not muddy. Defidently sound great through a big old tube amp.
  4. I love Jim's and Glenn's cover of this amazing Bill Fay.. but does anybody know the chord structure for this wonderful song? since it's piano... it's rather hard for me to get by ear to guitar.. any help would be appreciated beyond belief. Thanks!
  5. I think i saw that guitar at a show after he smashed it... all better... not sure though.
  6. Where Jay is talking about Reprise giving them money... that's not at the loft. The name of the store escapes me for the moment. Chicago Music Exchange sound right to anyone else?
  7. I heard that your friend was a god who knew everything about the beatles and wilco.
  8. It's always awesome to have some reverb and a phase shifter... basically any effect that doesn't boost the signal (distortion, etc.) is pretty good for the acoustic.
  9. gear page more than anyone ever wanted to know about them.
  10. I'm going to say for an AC-30 or something similar. Get a nice overdrive or treble booster pedal. You need to work to get the distortion out of an AC-30.
  11. I dig it too! I also got a new acoustic... again. 2000 Tacoma DF-21. Solid Spruce Top with Flamed Maple backs and sides. It's a beautiful sounding and looking guitar. Front, Back.
  12. Thanks. I dig your's too, I need a bluesbreaker pedal, they rock pretty hard.
  13. Old Lammy Tab It's a pretty good tab for doing the Loose Fur version of it.
  14. I'm not sure if it'll work with an artcore but Pete Townsend stuffed his Ric hollowbody with kleenex and got the sustained feedback one would expect from a Les Paul.
  15. For as cheap as it was it's actually pretty playable but it can't even compare to a nice mandolin either. It's just good for playing Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down... even though it's a Bazouki.
  16. Ok. I need a new list. Guitars 2000 Tacoma DF21-CB (Spruce/Flamed Maple) 2005 Fender Highway 1 Strat Amps Mesa/Boogie Subway Blues Crate 15 watt bass amp Pedals Maestro Phaser Fulltone '69 Fulltone OCD Boss CS-3 Mooger Fooger Ring Modulator Other Piece of shit Rogue Mandolin
  17. Ac30s I know he uses and I'm pretty sure he used a Fender Twin too.
  18. He also uses a Gibson ES-330 i think... it's identical to the Casino other than the fact taht it's gibson.
  19. I think the cheaper guitars are a little pricey for what they are, but once you get over about a thousand dollars they are well worth it and nicely priced.
  20. I know it's not much compared to the other Taylors but I own a 110. It's probably the only guitar I'll wind up holding on to. For a higher price range try one of thoses small bodied 310 cutaways, now there's a beautiful sounding guitar!
  21. Feedback and a flanger works for the jet plane swoosh for me.
  22. Casino Queen! the ultimate beginner's song!! Chords are G, C, and D.
  23. Almost sounds like the Ruling Class...
  24. live they probably were using a Nord Lead or Nord Lead 2. I haven't seen them using a Nord Lead 2x yet. In the performance on letterman of War on War O'Rourke is playing a micro modular for the exact sounds on the album. So, not really Wilco but very very close.
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