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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Not really a surprise (as evidenced by this thread) that he's going that route. It is surprising to me, though, that they are even offering it in a WAV format that his higher than CD quality. Was the last one offered in that format?
  2. My friend saw him with the DJ and really, really enjoyed it. He's not a frequent showgoer, for what that's worth.
  3. the volunteers were tired heads were hanging low the news had spoiled their appettite for stuffing envelopes twelve points was an awful lot to be down in the polls with only two weeks to go shouldering the phone loosening his tie his running mate on pricks and pins hovering beside the candidate wrote furiously as if to save his life then hung up the phone and spoke with great conviction when you're nothing but a boyfriend dangling by a thread keep in mind the bottom line diamonds are a girls's best friend inches from the goal one thing on his mind to get behind her desk and
  4. Sooie, what's the story with Marcus Monk?
  5. Anyone want to recommend some Folkways stuff to download?
  6. Craig Biggio - one hbp per 43.8 plate apperances, career Carlos Quentin - one hbp per 22.7 plate apperances, career Quentin's last two RBIs have been on bases loaded HBPs.
  7. What do you think his reponse to the question should've been?
  8. Hahaha. We watched that a few months back. You'd think they could come up with a better song for the climax than that. They REALLY wanted to drive the point home that his love of rock music influenced his composition.
  9. What would cause you to say such a thing? Well, it was a pretty direct answer to the question he was asked http://www.nationaljournal.com/njonline/no_20080425_7012.php Q: Well, one of the things to which some Democrats point -- the Clinton campaign has not said this publicly at least, but one certainly hears it in talking to supporters in more of a background way. Look at the racial polarization in the last several contests -- Pennsylvania, Ohio, Mississippi -- is that going to be a problem? Is race going to be a problem for Barack Obama in the general election? Plouffe: We really don't thin
  10. Most of those pop star (non-pejorative) with orchestra things rub me the wrong way, but that's enjoyable.
  11. When I was distracted once, I accidentally ran 3 Doors Down through the wash. I couldn't tell if they were any worse for the wear.
  12. Close-cropped Kentucky Bluegrass makes something like 75% of water run off, because their roots are so dense at the surface. So instead of the water being absorbed by the soil and eventually repleneshing the water table, it runs into a drainage ditch and ends up in a water treatment plant. So even if you're not spraying your lawn with tons of chemicals or watering it violently, then it's still not very good for the environment. The most popular alternative seems to be buffalo grass. I don't have my own lawn, so I haven't been able to try it out.
  13. http://www.hemmusic.com/music.html#mp3 BIRD SONG For the lark. THE WORLD IS OUTSIDE The next bit of new material that we've been working on... THINGS ARE NOT PERFECT IN OUR YARD The first of four songs that we'll be making available here from our Winter/Spring 2008 sessions.
  14. http://www.theonion.com/content/node/28283
  15. So it was around that. Guam - who cares, it's only four delegates North Carolina 05/06 115-Big Obama win Indiana - 05/06 72 narrow Obama win West Virginia 05/13 - Clinton Oregon 05/20 52 C -Obama Kentucky 05/20 51 -Clinton Puerto Rico 06/01 55 - Clinton (she could take all the delegates here based on weird rules) Montana 06/03 16 - Obama South Dakota 06/03 15 -Obama So...split the rest of the delegates (depending on how Puerto Rico works out). That would give Obama roughly 1917 delegates (counting those supers who have said they'll vote for him). He would need about 110 of the heretof
  16. No, it's been that way for a while. Obama is beating McCain in national polls, but struggling in battleground states. Either Dem candidate should get a boost once they secure the nomination. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/20...nnsylvania.html http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/20...ident/ohio.html http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/20.../wisconsin.html http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/20...nt/florida.html
  17. Clinton is actually polling better v. McCain than Obama is in most battleground states. Hard to say if that would translate come election time.
  18. I don't know what you guys are talking about. This thread has really worked out for me.
  19. I really don't think there's much to do other than to find ways to reduce your direct and indirect usage of the stuff and wait for hydrogen fuel cells to come down the pipe.
  20. With oil at $119/barrel or whatever it is right now, it's going to be like Mad Max out there soon.
  21. It's a shame that they'll eventually stop supporting XP. XP SP2 is the best Windows OS...ever?
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