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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Did anyone see John Danks' excellent line on 4/20? 7IP 3H, 0BB, 8K. It'd be nice if he came into his own this year. I'm not as convinced by Floyd's start.
  2. Double-digit win for Hil today, me thinks.
  3. They would probably need to stretch him out in AAA.
  4. What's a good starter make? What's a good setup man make? Doesn't the first make more because they're in higher demand?
  5. There's a reason they're hard to find. If they're really good, they usually move into a different role eventually.
  6. He'd be pitching more innings as a starter, right? I think that's probably the most important factor. Relievers just can't pitch as many innings because of the recovery time.
  7. He had very similar starts the last two years and ended up with decent numbers.
  8. Wtf, Frank Thomas released. I wonder who'll pick him up.
  9. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nati...455_yale18.html No, not seriously. Or...
  10. KEXP played New Madrid a few minutes ago. I'm sure that this was why.
  11. Just for kicks, I submitted a junkyard request for a 91 Corolla sunroof. I've got a lot of hairy mechanics breathing down my neck, offering it for $75. Let me know and I'll forward the emails along.
  12. I agree. Manual everything is best. Less shit to break.
  13. I've never had a sunroof, but it could be your sunroof motor. Check partshotlines.com or car-part.com to search for an old one.
  14. My mom tried to get Jeff Tweedy to sign a petition, I think.
  15. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...y/lifeMain/home The best part about the new Defence Minister: she's a self-described pacifist.
  16. I liked Heat a lot. Apparently I like every movie that VCers don't.
  17. All this pre-emptive shitting on each other is a real charm to read.
  18. It's close to that range, per capita. China has, what, 4 times as many people?
  19. American History X is one of my favorite movies. I liked 25th Hour as well.
  20. They're not that unknown "Sometimes, when I sleep at night, I think of 'Hop on Pop'"
  21. White Sox pitchers threw only strikes in the 6th, 7th, and 8th innings today.
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