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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I haven't watched the video, but I'm imagining that TC would give some manic endorsement of the impersonation if asked about it.
  2. Hey, the med student says it isn't a big deal.
  3. I've also seen the phrase "working couple" thrown around. Is that a distinction from single-income couples? I'm not sure. Anyway, it hasn't passed the Senate yet and they want to tack of some stuff (though they don't want to take anything out, so far as I know).
  4. Last time it did not include dependents, but there's no mention of that in the AP story.
  5. Heh, well, taxes, for the most part are just based on income and expenses--not so much for on the overall costs to society or to the government. There certainly are societal benefits to kids, though, as you were a kid once and are now a tax-paying, productive member of society.
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080124/ap_on_...jV7auqZMfus0NUE Not really sure where I stand at this point.
  7. No, they expect people to punch them or restrict their speech and they hope to sue said people.
  8. The rates the gubment can currently get are based on the notion that it's the most credit-worthy agent in the world. If that changes for any reason, then credit will get a lot more expensive.
  9. The main thing is that no one would give us new credit.
  10. Oh, I'm not disagreeing with you. Just laughing at you.
  11. And why is that? We pay 13% of the federal budget now just to service our existing debt. You don't think that hamstrings the country at all? That's not much smaller than social security payments.
  12. I merged them. Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
  13. And now markets wordlwide are in crisis.
  14. Dotel's signing with the White Sox in the next 24 hours for the terms reported before -- 2 years $11 mil. Supposedly.
  15. I liked the youtube comment "Great, another welding movie."
  16. Obama's campaign is trying to counter-act misinformation contained in those email forward about him being a wahabi muslim. I don't think Huckabee's stuff was unusual, either, except for that bit about the constitution conforming to God's laws, or some such.
  17. That economy isn't going to grow all by its little own self!
  18. Not that anyone necessarily is, but I hope that no one is banking on that $800 based on this thread. A few things to note: -No legislation has been passed yet. -There is some disagreement as to how much is going to be doled out -Also, disagreement as to whether those who pay payroll taxes (social security and medicare), but effectively no income tax will get the credit (this includes many people all the way up to $50,000/yr) -If it's anything like the last one, you won't get the credit if someone claims you as a dependent (college students, I'm looking at you).
  19. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1200868670...p_us_whats_news
  20. Here's some fun speculation about push-polling: http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2008/01/p...polling-in.html Also, I heard part of an interview on Bob Edwards Weekend with the film maker behind Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections http://www.uncountedthemovie.com/ You can hear the interview on the podcast here: http://www.xmradio.com/podcast/index.xmc
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