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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. This is a great description. Sounds like a tremendous show. It's been a year since the shiny black Wilco bus has stopped around here, and by the looks of it several months before it does. And dammit I've been trying not to think too much about it. I might have to quit the board in the meantime.
  2. This thread has been terrific reading tonight.
  3. Yay Brad! Happy birthday. Hope this year brings many wonderful things! ^ American pilsner.
  4. Happy birthday to the hawtest daddy on this board. Hope you have a terrific year, Greg.
  5. Happy belated, Leo! I hope you're feeling better and the coming year is free of pain.
  6. iTunes went right into Tennessee. Ahh.
  7. And I'm going to guess you're 10 to 15 years younger than me. I just don't feel much nostalgia for the popular music of that era. This was my favorite album in 1983:
  8. And I don't Wanna Be the One? The opening riff is a direct rip of Asia's Heat of the Moment. Maybe that's what annoys me about the bulk of this album. (I'm listening to it right now.) It reminds me too much of that overblown 80s sound. I turned my ears away from radio pretty permanently during that time. Forgive me Sooie. Again I blame the producer.
  9. Oh no. It's the way the keys and horns are used, the way the songs are structured and build. Listen to What Else Would You Have Me Be and tell me that track doesn't smack of early 80s Springsteen.
  10. I guess I couldn't get past the trendy shift to the neo-Springsteen sound. Lucero always had the x factor sound that was unique. Stripped down. I have the hard headed tendency to dismiss albums that seem to want to jump on a bandwagon. I blame it on David Lowry. I'll listen to it again.
  11. The one good tune off of that miserable album. After the perfection of Last Pale Light in the West, I am holding my breath that this could be half as good. Nichols' songwriting skills grew exponentially on LPLW.
  12. The other day on the internet I found out that Obama is a shape shifter. Do we really know who Barack's real father is? Some Kenyan man claimed him as his own, but it's all so murky. We know somebody (or something) sired him in darkest Africa, where his mother "Stanley" vanished into for years. Was it a midnight marriage, in a stone circle somewhere in the jungle, with two headed goats as the bridesmaids and Baal as the minister? Did she and her "husband" smash champagne glasses filled with human blood before they consummated their love? http://vault-co.blogspot.com/2009/01/son-o...ed-f
  13. Oh heavens no. I converted to carbon neutralism in the back in the 70s.
  14. 30 mpg and it flies? Sign me up. Sarah has been dreaming about having a flying car since she could talk. I've always wanted a reason to get a pilot's license. Besides, that's about double the gas mileage of my Jeep.
  15. Have a great day and the best year ever!
  16. You think that's crazy, you should read this. Native Americans had no concept of owning land. Soon every resource will have a price tag/law.
  17. I got the updates about the Red Red Meat shows on Facebook last month. Sorry to hear of Jim Becker's troubles. This is indeed awesome news about a new Califone record. I have wondered over the past couple years if we would ever hear from these guys again.
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