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Everything posted by SarahC

  1. I kinda lost my shit for a second in Athens when he did "Hummingbird" I requested it a bunch on the site. Now, I'm requesting it a bunch for the Knoxville gig cos I have a front and center seat. Oh, jeez, the off clapping.
  2. i got really tickled during IATTBYH in athens, because there were a bunch of us right up front singing rather loudly, and Jeff backed up from the mic and let us take over for a second, and the look on his face was pure joy. I tried them, but they're a bit much for me this late. Can I take a virtual baggy of them for my lunch tomorrow?
  3. I think it grew on me when I heard it more on the record. I didn't remember the noise bit back in June.
  4. So I am probably in the minority on this, but I do not really dig the Lucius backup vocals live
  5. I think "Diamond Light" is my favorite TWEEDY tune that they do. Or "Low Key". Anybody know what the egg is on Jeff's amp?
  6. So, I wonder how Jeff gets those moan sounding noises outta his guitar?
  7. Who's listening/watching? We used to do these all the time when Wilco would webcast. Let's bring it back! Just started "Diamond Light"!
  8. I was tickled they answered the question I asked about being super heroes.
  9. I hope so. I feel like such a sore loser, because I cried a little... Watching the live stream from NY is helping a little.
  10. Damn. Oh well. I tried. Again. I should have pre-ordered a bunch of stuff! Lucky Mike!
  11. I posted this in the Sukierae thread, but I figured I would post it here too: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NLLSQO2/ref=tsm_1_tw_s_dm_ncde5a
  12. I don't see it announced anywhere. Are you sure?
  13. Yeah, being that it is specifically being billed as "An Evening With" across all 7 of the dates, that means that most likely it'll be an almost 3 hour show starting about 15 after 8 or so... you can do a search for some of the previous "Evening With" shows to get a better idea of what they're like if you are SUPER curious.
  14. Definitely an excellent interview!
  15. Here's a really cool Q&A with Jeff and Spencer about Sukierae. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NLLSQO2/ref=tsm_1_tw_s_dm_ncde5a (also, my question was the one about being a super hero )
  16. I don't know how to rip it, otherwise I would, but I don't think my record player does that kind of thing. That is way cool you got the test pressing, Clayton Kershaw! Lucky dude!
  17. It boggles my mind American Songwriter rated it as low as they did.
  18. That's a bummer. I saw them play 2 times in high school when I went to see Sloberbone and when I saw Jay Bennett. I liked them a lot both times.
  19. SarahC


    Not sure if this is the place to put this, but today a kid at work showed me a collection of leaves she had gathered in the park outside my work, complete with individual made up names for each leaf, as well as the personality traits she thought they had... and a turtle pooped in my hand. My job sure is different.
  20. Sorry for the confusion- by liner notes I meant the pictures, I just consider all booklets with CD's liner notes... my bad. Also, the Summer Noon B-side is good. Kinda punk-ish
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