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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Hey everyone, much less invasive procedure this time, and we are already home, but we've been having some internet issues... Nothing to report as yet. Jen is tired and sore, and is listening to as much of the game on the radio as she can stay up for tonight. Thanks for all the kind words; hopefully we'll have some new info soon.
  2. So...what you're saying is...if she gets a bucket of vomit dumped on her...then she's an anti-semite... And therefore? A WITCH!!
  3. Who knew Pat Sansone played bass for the Byrds?
  4. Yeah, that whole album is pretty "difficult." Most of his other post-Wilco output is a lot more accessible.
  5. I like the versions where they fuck up.
  6. No, I'm not saying he wrote bad songs. I'm just saying if he wanted to get more recognition, he should have written better songs than were on All Things Must Pass, which I don't think he did. Part of that is probably that all his best stuff went to Beatles' albums, while George was able to stockpile his songs which didn't make the cut, so he didn't have as deep a catalog to work with right out of the gate - but that's really Paul's (and John's) fault anyway, isn't it? p.s., "You'll shoot your eye out"
  7. Hey guys, I'd appreciate it if you would keep Jen in your thoughts today. She's having another biopsy this morning in New York. Still no idea exactly what is going on with her leg, so hopefully this one will shed some light on the matter. Please, any good thoughts you can spare towards a quick recovery and definitive diagnosis would be much appreciated. Thanks, everyone.
  8. He should have written better songs, then.
  9. I made chili last night. I put beans in it, which I'm sure some people won't like, but hey, I'm the one eating it so back off. It also includes onions, green bell peppers, garlic and hot peppers (one each of serrano, anaheim and poblano) from the organic CSA we belong to, as well as an orange bell pepper from the store, one 175 mL bottle of Sutter Home cab, ground beef, leftover chicken and homemade tomato sauce. And chili powder, lots of it. It's not too bad.
  10. Little known fact: the original title of "Honey Don't" was "Oh No You Di'n't."
  11. That's okay. I really don't bring it up that often.
  12. I was going to post that it's George, hands down, if only because of ATMP. Like a lot of the other guys' stuff, some quite a lot (even Ringo ), but nothing beats George for me.
  13. It was the stabber, not the stabee, who had the (alleged) foot funk.
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