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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I imagine the weather had a lot to do with that. I think he only plays one in the OP video - the Purple Rain finale...
  2. I did not receive one, but I don't have a Sir Stewart number either.
  3. I prefer a lot of the Bragg tunes on Mermaid to a lot of the Wilco ones.
  4. What makes "dork" so much more offensive than "nerd" or "geek"?
  5. I'm sure the marketing and legal departments are making a tour of Turner Broadcasting's hq, showing off their brand new assholes. True, and if they are bombs, and one goes off while they are "quietly" removing it from a bridge during rush hour, they end up smelling like roses.
  6. No, that's when Tony Parker and that housewife chick are getting married, but it should be no less apocalyptic.
  7. Happy birthday, man. I'm honored you took my last name over on the Black Crowes site.
  8. When I am king, you will be first against the wall.
  9. Me too. But the only song they really needed two guitars for was Sandusky. Still, I think if they're going to do a reunion, they ought to start with the three, then bring out Max and John (hell, maybe even Ken) for the second set. Brian Henneman plays the encores, of course.
  10. Every one of you (except me) is completely wrong.
  11. One way this thread could have gone, but didn't: drag ass lyin: Anyone tape last night's show in Atlanta? owl: We usually give people a week to get shows up. dal: That's cool, man. I just want to know if it was taped. [various tapers offer their insight] dal: Cool, thanks.
  12. So instead of an Uncle Tupelo reunion, you want Jay Farrar to join Wilco? So there can be three guitarists in a band that only needed one, and so Nels can take the place of a superior multi-instrumentalist on mando and lap steel? Does Nels even play mandolin?
  13. As I understand it, he's got a nude scene in an upcoming play he's in. Equus, I believe.
  14. I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with AGIB, but I disagree with your second point.
  15. Somebody asked in another thread, but I thought posting here was a nice touch.
  16. It's been over at that pink place once or twice, but it's disappeared very quickly both times I've seen it. I may or may not have been able to grab it this morning before it went away. I don't know why it keeps disappearing, though.
  17. Oh, I totally forgot. I had a dream last night that I was in England and out walking around, when I happened upon an old man getting robbed. I saved the guy from his attacker, and in gratitude he offered to buy me a pint. After we got denied service one pub (he was known there, kind of a Wild Rover thing, I guess), we went to this other place and sat down with our pints (smallest friggin pints I've ever seen, btw, but they didn't cost me anything, so who's complaining?), when I noticed that our barmaid was none other than Alison Stewart of MTV News (and maybe now the Today Show?) fame. We got
  18. Yeah, that kid's nickname would be shitron. I don't think he'd like that.
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