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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. 1. IRememberDBoon returned from a (possibly) self-imposed hiatus 2. IRememberDBoon posted a moronic thread, dealing with already-covered material 3. Nobody was surprised 4. People pointed out the IRememberDBoon's thread was unnecessary 5. Crowjack got a stick up his ass about the fact that there were kids in the picture that IRememberDBoon posted 6. Nobody was surprised 7. Pandemonium ensued 8. Nobody was surprised
  2. What the hell does that have to do with Shelly Duvall?
  3. Pshaw. He doesn't even have the same tie on in that picture.
  4. Bush: During these "Nashumal Anthem" thingies, I like to pick a hottie and stare at her with a smug little smirk on my face while I think about banging her. Looks like you're today's winner, sugartits. Pelosi: [smiles uncomfortably]
  5. I'm a fan, but the influx of Jay spam of late is pretty transparent and annoying.
  6. Pointing out that a diverse group of people from a wide spectrum of the "left" were elected yesterday, as if it were a bad thing, is spinning.
  7. Thanks. Isn't that pretty much how every election works, though? You vote for the candidate that most closely fits your politics. If your democratic candidate is "pretty conservative," and the republican candidate is more conservative, whom would you expect to get a liberal-minded person's vote? Speaking of spellcheck, Nancy.
  8. You still didn't say which Democrats that were voted in are "pretty conservative."
  9. Wow, your sour grapes are showing a little there, Ace. Throw out an example or two to support your claim, or don't insult everybody on the board that voted Democratic yesterday. At least let us know who, specifically, you're trying to insult. And then tell us why the fact that the Democrats they voted for are moderate means that they voted simply for the party and not on the issues.
  10. "Jeff Tweedy - putting the 'coy' back in the Presidenc(o)y."
  11. I have the same shirt (in a larger size) as the person without any teeth is wearing.
  12. The end of that Redskins-Cowboys game was like the end of a bad movie.
  13. "Pretty boring DVD. But an interesting one to have in your collection. The songs it has to download are definitely the highlight. Too bad you can download them now regardless of whether you bought the DVD. [broken link] Don't want to do that one backwards."
  14. It's my nephew. He looks more like me than my brother, though.
  15. Exactly, so they've got nothing to lose now. They should be the next band on Rockstar.
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