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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I watched the first four of these. The only one which is clearly misconduct by the police is the one with Ian Tomlinson. There is no context to the first three.
  2. I think it was Rod Salbuchi who was in the FACES!!
  3. Not after the government throws $700B at the Cirrus and Plus Networks to keep them from going under.
  4. I don't pay fees to use my card at the store. Sounds like someone's bank needs a bailout...
  5. Really if it gets to this point, it seems to me that you ought to stop carrying cash and just use your ATM card.
  6. PANTHER, sorry to pick on you, buddy, but this is one of my pet peeves - words that end in "ist," such as "artist," "soloist" and "scientist," still require a final "s" to make them plural.
  7. Yeah, if you're speaking French. In Latin, the word is "color." Likewise, "honor," etc. Not "velour," though.
  8. Yeah, he pretty much ruined some beautiful songs on ATMP. The musicianship on "Art of Dying" is great and all, but goddamn is it buried under a mountain of unnecessary shit. I have a soft spot of the original Let it Be, and prefer much of it to the polished version. Granted, it's unforgivable that Spector left off "Don't Let Me Down," and I agree with Ringo about the echo on his cymbals in "Let it Be," but the interjections between songs and warts (the false start to "I Dig a Pony," for example) give the original album far more character than the reworked one.
  9. Sebastopol refers to the city in California, not Ukraine, I believe. Okamah, OK is where Woodie Guthrie is from.
  10. I'm familiar. Rock n Roll MacDonalds etc.
  11. Honestly, if you haven't already, it's probably too late.
  12. No, I just think she was supposed to look like Claire from behind.
  13. Having listened to the Toadies a bunch this week, I'm going to reevaluate this statement and say it's a push. While the Toadies don't really have anything as tuneful as "About a Girl" in their repertoire, they also don't have anything that approaches the opposite end of the continuum to the extent that something like "Tourette's" or "Milk It" does.
  14. I'm pretty sure jff knows it's not Jay Bennett's license plate.
  15. I'm a big fan of Nirvana, and I didn't say they were "not very tuneful." I feel that their songs tend to be comparatively less tuneful than the Toadies'. Which, I suppose if you feel that the Toadies don't write very tuneful songs, means that you think I feel that Nirvana's songs are even less so.
  16. His voice didn't sound very good?
  17. Wow. I guess there's a reason Kurt didn't sing many songs like that.
  18. Oh, the Toadies thread has reminded me: "Mexican Hairless"
  19. Well, if the last Nirvana song is any indication, they weren't really moving in that direction. edit: not that that has anything to do with the Toadies.
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