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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I was fucking dying. Oh, and say hi to your mom for me.
  2. That's pretty good. I thought the idea from jakobnicholas wasn't terrible. It needs some polishing, though.
  3. I don't see anything douchey about that at all. Do you think there will ever be an interview with Jay Bennett that doesn't bring up his participation with Wilco? Unless he makes it back to the national spotlight on his own or with another band, he's going to be associated with Wilco for a long time. Amy Fisher comes with a built-in lead-in paragraph. So does Marion Barry. Would it be narcissistic of either of them to suggest that they do?
  4. i didn't even see that part. That is pretty funny! :-) edit: coddamn it. I better get my laptop back tomorrow!
  5. i laffed. Good job white sox. That was a fast moving game! damn! Forgive my stupidity but have the white sox and cubs met in the world series? I'm going to assume they have. Cod damnit: this is jenbobblehead. I hate sharing a computer.
  6. Yeah, Jay's got a career. He plays music and everything.
  7. Even if it is a bad sketch comedy show, it is still just a sketch comedy show, yes.
  8. I don't see what is so obvious about this.
  9. So...you're saying...you hope the Brewers don't make it to the playoffs for another 26 years...so your daughter will be able to appreciate it better?
  10. Duke is about to win its first ACC game in three years.
  11. I believe it's an example of people not liking to think.
  12. I'm flattered, really, but I'm not affiliated.
  13. To be fair, the clickable quote comes not from Giuliani, but from the Daily News.
  14. Have you read about all the overdubbing they had to do? Doesn't sound like they could play fucked up either. Yeah, wonder why he keeps rubbing his nose?
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