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alison the wilca

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Everything posted by alison the wilca

  1. my company gives me the 3rd and 4th off so i have four days to do relatively nothing. I'll be going to see Wall-E, maybe going to Superdawg since it isn't far from the theater. Also- Green City Market!
  2. If you have anything that will need to be plugged in, make sure you have the appropriate converter for the plugs in Peru.
  3. although the show is ENTIRELY worth it, $45 per ticket before fees is too rich for my blood these days.
  4. I don't have children and don't plan to, but I think it is really important to really teach kids (and even moreso, teens) about money. Not just the basics, but about all they will need to know to really be successful. Too many people learn about how to handle your money the hard way.
  5. Has anyone else here started watching the HBO summer documentary series? Last week was an interesting look at Roman Polanski and his sexual assault case (including a fascinating look at the judge in the case). I am currently watching this week's documentary called Resolved. It is about high school debate and it is INSANE. I had NO clue what real debate was about. They basically speak as fast as they can in some crazy jargon to make their cases. The debate judges WRITE DOWN what the debaters are saying in a special "flow." These judges have GIANT callouses shooting out of their fingers
  6. I used to be a huge fan around when the 1st album came out. I LOVE 'My Solo Project'... I cannot tell you how many times I've listened to it. My Constant Concern had its ups and downs and I didn't really like Team Boo. So, around that time, my fandom dropped off. I didn't even realize that they had 2 albums after that. Anyhow, i recommend My Solo Project.
  7. Oh good! I felt a little weird recommending a place I've never eaten at, so I'm glad you can back it up. I want to do a trip to SW Michigan (I love Michigan) along US41/12 all the way and stop at the Fisheries, the Dunes, etc. I was actually down in Chicago's "East Side" neighborhood recently (most Chicagoans will say there is no east side, but there is! It is the neighborhood name for the little piece of the city that juts east and borders IN). It is extremely depressed since there are long standing factories shutting down all the time, but you can also see the soul of the working-class
  8. gosh, i have to get out more! If you are interested at all in old Chicago history that is still visible, this site, http://www.forgottenchicago.com/, is put together by a few young people that are obsessed with that kind of thing. There is a lot of great info explaining everything from Chicago's old address numbering system, old telephone numbers, to old CTA paths. I found it an interesting read, although I've never spotted any old stuff they talk about. To go along with LB's recommendation to head far south into the old industrial area, I have heard wonderful things about Calumet Fisher
  9. wow, i didn't know anything about them. that is pretty awesome that they stayed committed to their love and cause in those early years. and all the things they have done... its all pretty incredible.
  10. yes, it is. i never read the book but from what i hear "the book is way better." i usually count movie adaptations of books as their own separate entity to be judged on their own, but if you aren't that type, you may not be happy with the film. in any case, i think the movie is really incredible and truly touching and well done.
  11. I don't want a funeral... I've never known anyone in my family that did. Just a small graveside service at most. I would want my loved ones to listen to whatever comforts them.
  12. I can cry at nearly anything with a sentimental moment. I'll second My Dog Skip (or anything with a nice animal) and Mister Holland's Opus. I also have a soft spot for Simon Birch. I'll watch it whenever it is on and I cry each and every time. I remember bawling over this made for TV movie starring Craig T Nelson as a father whose daughter has Cystic Fibrosis. It was called Alex: The Life of a Child. Holy crap, it was sad.
  13. It has been said that he didn't ask those follow-up questions because he knew that the people watching his show could easily determine for themselves when someone was spewing crap. Leaving it out there (instead of picking a fight) can potentially have just as much resonance. In any case, he was obviously deeply beloved by friends, family and colleagues and I've enjoyed watching him for years on the Today show each morning. He was always happy and excited to be doing what he was doing. I'll miss seeing him.
  14. oh cool! I never thought to look for this. I will take a look... there are many gardens near me. i grew basil indoors once but wasn't sure if there was anything that could be done to help veggies along inside. thanks!
  15. does anyone know anything about any kind of vegetables that can be grown indoors? we have a very small apartment and no outdoor space of our own but i'd like to grow something. any ideas?
  16. dang, i can't even imagine being able to pay on a 15 year mortgage. 30 years will be tough enough! congrats... that must be the most wonderful feeling!
  17. i kind of love this album. this is surprising to me because i really wasn't a fan of 'i will..." after hearing it on the radio. but, in the context of the album, i like it a lot more. Bixby Canyon Bridge probably ranks in my top few Death Cab songs. i like when it gets all crunchy but it is pretty and sad sounding too. i've been listening to/following death cab since they first toured down in so cal (i think during the 'we have the facts..' tour in 2000) and i just love them more and more. yay!
  18. Be sure to visit Amoeba records and the Getty. Also, LACMA is a really wonderful art museum.
  19. i think that might be something else... i'm pretty sure the coffee bean and tea leaf is western US and international only?
  20. i love the coffee at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf (i think they are only west coast). it is truly lovely.
  21. there is some really gross stuff in this season.
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