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I read this around the same time my young nephew asked me if David Bowie had a big influence on music. Last I really thought about Bowie was when watching the Bill Murray movie, The Life Acquatic (which I loved though most didn't seem to like it much--loved that soundtrack).


Curious to hear from folks here what they think of Bowie's legacy and how or if he made much of an impact on music. Was it just the androgynous look that was popular with metal bands and glam rock in late 1970s and 1980s? The post-Low/Heroes influence in more electonic, keyboard heavy music thanks to Eno?


My own favorites: Aladdin Sane and David Live. Lost interest with Lodger and after.



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i don't feel like tracing influences right now, but i'm just gonna come right out and say that i have a 6 ft. poster of him in my room. and i had a freaky dream about my other labyrinth poster last night. but yeah, hunky dory is hands down my favorite....one of my favorite of everything actually.

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I have been a David Bowie fan ever since I was maybe about 4 years old. I remember my babysitter bringing over "The Labyrinth" for us to watch all the time. I've loved that movie ever since. lol Once I got older, I began listening to his music. I'm a huge Bowie fan! He was on tour my senior year of high school, but I didn't get to go because I had no idea that tickets were even goin' on sale. :hmm If he ever goes on tour again, I am definitely goin' though. Sad thing is he only tours about once every 12 years or something. Anyways, I just wanted to share that I love Bowie. :wub

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  Attack With Love said:
i don't feel like tracing influences right now, but i'm just gonna come right out and say that i have a 6 ft. poster of him in my room. and i had a freaky dream about my other labyrinth poster last night. but yeah, hunky dory is hands down my favorite....one of my favorite of everything actually.


Yeah, I have 2 David Bowie posters in my room. One is kinda creepy lookin'. It's the Heathen poster. My other one is an Aladdin Sane poster.

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Not the great Phish song thread I was expecting :lol


All kidding aside,Bowie is hands down the best frontman I've ever seen.One of the very few that can straddle the line of art/entertainment successfully,imo.Saw him from the 2nd row once & it was freakin' amazing!


favorites include:Diamond Dogs,Ziggy Stardust,Low.. :music

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I personally think Bowie, the performer and the catalog hold up better today than most of his peers.

The music is diverse stylistically and his ability to incorporate new dynamics was always amazing.

Hunky Dory is probably also my favorite but adore LOW.

If your reading this and you have very little David Bowie in your collection I strongly recommend:


Hunky Dory

The Rise and fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars

Aladdin Sane



Once your hooked go back and discover the rest. The eighties/early nineties output is shaky and sounds a bit dated; ( Lets Dance is just ok ). Diamond Dogs, Scary Monsters, The Man Who sold the World; ( A pretty underrated Bowie album IMHO) are all also terrific records.

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  Attack With Love said:
i don't feel like tracing influences right now, but i'm just gonna come right out and say that i have a 6 ft. poster of him in my room. and i had a freaky dream about my other labyrinth poster last night. but yeah, hunky dory is hands down my favorite....one of my favorite of everything actually.

Labyrinth!! I had completely forgotten about that one.



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i hate that people tie bowie to labyrinth. i never, ever, ever, ever, ever think about that when i think about bowie. ever. that's what all the stupid people with no legitimate musical or cultural knowledge bring up when they see my bowie poster.


bowie's legacy is absolutely significant. i'd go as far as to say he's one of the most influential musicians of the last 50 years. bowie!!!

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Regardless of how conflicted your feelings are about "Labyrinth", Bowie's playing Nikola Tesla in Christopher Nolan's new pic "The Prestige",




which also happens to star Christian Bale and Michael Caine, who are also going to appear in Nolan's "Batman Begins" sequel "The Dark Knight", which is probably going to be cool as fuck, something I think we can all agree on. Can't we? :unsure

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bowie is just jealous that wilco, the shins, and the flaming lips got to make songs for the spongebob movie. This is him compensating.


Also, David Bowie is awesome. As is Labyrinth.


Also, Freejack is not awesome. But it is funny.

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  • 5 months later...

Whenever I hear the hype machine start frothing over some (typically British) next big thing, I very often give a listen, chuckle to myself and say "Bowie did it". There's almost no genre of the "indie" rock world that doesn't have his fingerprint on it in some fashion.


Mick Ronson and Trevor Bolder are two of the most dangerously effective musical cohorts a frontman could ever ask for. Listening to the bassline for "Soul Love" or the guitar lines searing through "Time", it's hard to imagine them any more perfectly realized.


"Rock 'n' Roll Suicide" may be the biggest sounding three minutes ever recorded.

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  AWATT said:
Curious to hear from folks here what they think of Bowie's legacy and how or if he made much of an impact on music. Was it just the androgynous look that was popular with metal bands and glam rock in late 1970s and 1980s?



Did you make that up?


The Man Who Sold the World

Hunky Dory

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars

Aladdin Sane


I don't care for any of his music besides the above albums - Mick Ronson, indeed.

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  Ninjas E. Liverwurst said:
What do you think of Labyrinth?


You remind me of the babe.


Followup question: How would you feel about Labyrinth if I told you that's not really David Bowie's hand twirling around the crystal globes? How do you like being tricked?


Well, I already knew it wasn't Bowie engaging in the crystal orb legerdemain.


It was former President Jimmy Carter.




"I'll cast you into the Bog of Eternal Malaise!"

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  Whitty said:
Mick Ronson and Trevor Bolder are two of the most dangerously effective musical cohorts a frontman could ever ask for. Listening to the bassline for "Soul Love" or the guitar lines searing through "Time", it's hard to imagine them any more perfectly realized.


"Rock 'n' Roll Suicide" may be the biggest sounding three minutes ever recorded.

I like you.

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  Whitty said:
You remind me of the babe.

Jennifer Connelly? I'm flattered, I guess, although I have smaller boobs and a bigger penis than she does. She actually looked a lot (to my eyes, anyway) like a girl named Jennifer Donnelly who lived across the street from me, and upon whom I had a major crush, when that movie came out. I was going to ask her to accompany me to the end of week shindig at summer camp that year, but some other kid asked her first. David Bowie was not involved.


Well, I already knew it wasn't Bowie engaging in the crystal orb legerdemain.


It was former President Jimmy Carter.




"I'll cast you into the Bog of Eternal Malaise!"

I bet Jimmy Carter smells more like peanut hulls than the Bog.

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  Ninjas E. Liverwurst said:
What do you think of Labyrinth?

Aside from the fact that Rosie is obsessed with it, I think it stinks.....now if you want to talk about The Man who Fell to Earth...that's a different story.



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