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Radiohead - Where to start

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I'm just getting into this band. I don't know how they've escaped me for so many years but anyway; what's a good first album to start with?

Any of them, really. Though I'd have to say OK Computer and The Bends are my two favorites. OK Computer probably isn't a bad place to start. From there, you could go back to Pablo Honey/The Bends or you could go forwards to Kid A/Amnesiac/Hail to the Thief/In Rainbows. It's all good(well, except for maybe Hail to the Thief :stunned )

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OK Computer was a little hard to really get into when it was released (IMO), because it was SO different...

In today's world, it would probably be nearly immediately accessible for new fans.


IMO, OK Computer is their best work, and one of my favorite CDs to pull back out from time to time to relax and get back into my rhythm.

Another Brit band called Kent would also be on that list... I believe my fave CD is called Isola...


Kid A was bashed on that Blender list, but I like it... Bends is a no-brainer.... Pablo Honey was more radio-friendly and has more of a broad appeal, but it's still a phenomenal disc.


Hail to the Theif is in my collection, but with all of the other great stuff that came out on that time, it never spent a lot of time in my rotation.

I can't think of a single song off that disc right now that is a must-have standout track, although I may change my mind if I were to look closer.


I have not yet picked up Rainbows, probably this week I will look into it... I am a hard media guy, so I will HAVE TO go the expensive route and get the actual disc set.

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Kid A is awesome but don't start with that one; its much, much, less accessible than the Bends or OK Computer, even if it hits higher highs.


I STILL don't understand Kid A and that's where I started. I also still don't really like Radiohead a whole lot. Coincidence? Maybe. But I'll take The Bends or In Rainbows over the rest of it anyday.

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OK Computer by miles. Probably the best album of the '90s, and many times better than anything else Radiohead's done, IMO.


I agree that OK Computer is their best album and one of the greatest records of the 90s, but I'd still recommend starting with The Bends and working forward. Pablo Honey can wait.

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My favorite is The Bends. It really all depends on your taste in music. Bends is more rock based as where OK Computer is more experimental. It's about the difference between A.M. and YHF. Although the Bends is more rock than A.M.. I haven't heard Kid A so I can't comment on it.

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When you say you're "getting into them" what have you heard? That'll probably indicate which albums to go for first.


If it's through "In Rainbows" then you'd probably want to start with Kid A and OK Computer before going back to The Bends.


What has to be mentioned is that The Bends is one of, if not the best, Indie-Rock album of the past 25 years and sounds nothing like their latest stuff.

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I'm not a Radiohead fan. Just don't buy into the cult.

That said, OK Computer is a good record.


And I do like what I've heard of Rainbows. I'll prolly pick that up.








Yeah, I like to be contrarian.

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no love for "pablo honey" huh?


and yeah, start with either "the bends" or "ok computer", but be ready for "kid a" to be your favorite.


I like Pablo Honey..its a great debut album from the 90's Brit Pop Era in My Opinion. I listen to it once in a while. I like You, Thinking About You, Prove Yourself, Lurgee and Blow Out is an awesome closer on the album. I wish they would play Blow Out live these days it would be awesome! :thumbup

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I'm not a Radiohead fan. Just don't buy into the cult.

That said, OK Computer is a good record.


And I do like what I've heard of Rainbows. I'll prolly pick that up.

Yeah, I like to be contrarian.



I don't buy into the cult...but I really like The Bends and OK Computer.


In my opinion, they started believing their press and fell victim to the navel gazing wankery that Brit Bands so often do.

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OK Computer by miles. Probably the best album of the '90s, and many times better than anything else Radiohead's done, IMO.
I got OK Computer and never felt the need to check anything else out.....



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