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Bob Dylan in a Cadillac

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I have been tring to get through the Dylan interview book and many of them from the late 70s on are so boring it is beyond belief.

I agree on this. He really is a pretty dry guy in a lot of those interviews.


To me he comes across as more of an Oldsmobile Town Car kinda guy rather than a Caddy guy.

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Dylan's XM show is The Shit. Man's one of the best DJs of all time.

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Dylan's XM show is The Shit. Man's one of the best DJs of all time.
Only if he actually chooses his own music.I'm not sure he writes the script...he sounds like he is reading it.
WTF are you talking about? I like the way you attack me for missing the letter U rather then the point I was tring to make. AKA your an idiot.I'm sick of hearing people get mad at others because they are being thinking enviormentally. GROW UP THEY ARE TRYING TO SAVE THE PLANET YOU CALL HOME!
SighI recommend you start drinking heavily.
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Froggie - you beat me to it. I was going to add that little tidbit.


Is Bob selling out?


He is just cashing in alittle.

Good for him.


I think I'll end up buying a VW first,

then the caddy when I grow a pencil-thin moustache.

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With 4.00/gallon gas around the corner I doubt they will be selling real quick regardless of who the spokesperson is.


This is just confusing to me...why would Cadillac even use Dylan as their guy. It's not like his fans are going to rush out and buy one.


Was nice to see Dylan rollin on 21's :stunned

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This is just confusing to me...why would Cadillac even use Dylan as their guy. It's not like his fans are going to rush out and buy one.


Cadillac are desperate to look hip and attract a new generation of buyers (I guess they have the 80yo's and now going after the boomers). They used Led Zeppelin's music in their ad campaigns the last several years.


Dylan did start selling his songs for TV ads about 10 years ago...Bank Of Montreal. Then again, his song rights were owned by Michael Jackson, so I don't know who was behind that decision.

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Wasn't Times They Are A'Changin used for the Microsoft Windows 95 launch?


Microsoft released its landmark Windows 95 with a $300 million launch campaign -- including $12 million for the song "Start Me Up" from the even-then-ancient "Rolling Stones" -- but as Wednesday rolled around, Microsoft didn't even bother to put out a press release marking the anniversary


Think Different was an advertising slogan created by the New York branch office of advertising agency TBWA\Chiat\Day for Apple Computer during the late 1990s. It was used in a famous television commercial and several print advertisements. The slogan was used at the end of several product commercials, until the advent of Apple's Switch ad campaign. Apple currently does not use the slogan, and their commercials usually end with a silhouetted Apple logo and sometimes a pertinent website address.

The one-minute commercial featured black and white video footage of significant historical people of the past, including (in order) Albert Einstein, Bob Dylan, Martin Luther King, Jr., Richard Branson, John Lennon, R. Buckminster Fuller, Thomas Edison, Muhammad Ali, Ted Turner, Maria Callas, Mahatma Gandhi, Amelia Earhart, Alfred Hitchcock, Martha Graham, Jim Henson (with Kermit the Frog), Frank Lloyd Wright, and Picasso. The commercial ends with a young girl opening her closed eyes, as if to see the possibilities before her

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