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"I have to be leaving, but I won't let that come between us, okay?"

Are you sure there's not more to it? Because he made Kate promise to do something. Remember, he said "Just do it, Kate," plus in one of the flashes a couple weeks ago Jack got pissed when Kate snuck out to do something she promised Sawyer she'd do.

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During her flash-forward dream sequence, Kate receives a garbled phone call. When played backwards, the message states: "The Island needs you. You have to go back before it's too late."


So Daniel and the Razzle Dazzle Crew are just drifting around?

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Desmond looked so clean and shiney when he saw Penny, I was sure something terrible was going to happen to him. I'm still not convinced he's out of the woods.


Ok, so let's talk about The Orchid. Ben zapps the time machine chamber, but he still can get around...So what does that mean?


And yes, Claire looked very creepy.


i got a little teary when Sun was screaming for Jin. She is usually so reserved in her acting, and then to see her just lose it like that was startling and good but sad. So i guess regardless of what happens with the island, Jin and Michael are toast...Unless there's some sort of flashback of one of the characters to dismantle the bomb before it goes off or something.

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Octagon Global Recruiting (Commercial)

Season Finale - 2 Alternate Endings


On the Island


* Where and when did the Island go?

* Why does Miles decide to stay on the island?

* What is Charlotte's previous experience with the Island?

* How does Miles know about Charlotte's previous Island experience?

* What did Sawyer whisper to Kate before he jumped off the helicopter?


After the rescue



* Why did the Island allow Locke to die?

* How did Locke get to the mainland?


The Oceanic Six


* Where did Sayid take Hurley?

* What is the significance of Kate's dream of Claire warning her not to take Aaron back to the Island?




* What happened to Faraday and those on the raft?

* What "bad things" happened after the Oceanic Six left the island?

* How does Ben know what is happening on the Island?

* What is Jin's status?

* Why was there noone on or around the freighter when it blew, when in the previous scene there were many onboard wearing life jackets?


People still on the island


* How do the Others and the Losties interact now that the threat of the mercenaries is gone?

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Anyone else catch this commercial last night? What's this all about?



Probably promotion for the San Diego Comicon, which is those same dates in the same town. That's where we usually get our first good tidbits for the upcoming season -- at last year's, they showed a version of the Orchid orientation video we finally saw in the show last night.




I just saw the two alternate endings, 1. Sawyer in the casket, 2. Desmond in the casket.

I would have screamed like Sun if either of those had been true. They probably filmed those so no one involved in production would know which ending was the real one.


Also, nitpick: it doesn't make much sense for the phone call to say they have to get back "before it's too late" if the island can time travel -- in theory, you could keep going back to the point where things go bad and alter their course. Unless this is like on Heroes, where no matter how hard he tried, Hiro couldn't save the waitress because it was destiny. Bah. Can someone please get Stephen Hawking in here to clear this up for me?

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Probably promotion for the San Diego Comicon, which is those same dates in the same town. That's where we usually get our first good tidbits for the upcoming season -- at last year's, they showed a version of the Orchid orientation video we finally saw in the show last night.



I would have screamed like Sun if either of those had been true. They probably filmed those so no one involved in production would know which ending was the real one.


Also, nitpick: it doesn't make much sense for the phone call to say they have to get back "before it's too late" if the island can time travel -- in theory, you could keep going back to the point where things go bad and alter their course. Unless this is like on Heroes, where no matter how hard he tried, Hiro couldn't save the waitress because it was destiny. Bah. Can someone please get Stephen Hawking in here to clear this up for me?

But maybe what Ben did means that they can't alter time/reality any more.


We heard the Island Moving sound once before. Was that when John Didn't Push The Button?

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That was a fantastic episode. I got choked up twice....Sun screaming for Jin and Desmond's reunion with Penny. The only tearjerker that topped those was Desmond's phone call to Penny earlier this season. I was bawling for that one.


So we finally know how the Oceanic Six became the Oceanic Six. I was confused when Des and the pilot survived the chopper crash, I thought for sure they were both toast since they were in the front seats. But I was very surprised that Penny agreed to keep the secret and let the Six pretend to wash up on another island. I guess she's fully aware now that her father was responsible for everything.


There was no one else important on the raft besides Daniel, right? I think they'll just be floating forever now that the island is gone. Although with the added element of time travel, I suppose anything is possible at this point.

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But maybe what Ben did means that they can't alter time/reality any more.


We heard the Island Moving sound once before. Was that when John Didn't Push The Button?

Yes, that noise and purple sky was when John didn't push it and then Desmond turned the failsafe and the Swan hatch blew up... and then Desmond woke up naked in the jungle and could see the future. Siiiiiigh. In context of the Swan explosion it had to do with the electromagnetic energy on the island, but the Orchid was built next to a supposed pocket of negative matter (which is what wormholes are theoretically made of.) So Ben blew by the negative matter pocket and continued to the electromagnetic core of the island and stirred it up, or something?


There was no one else important on the raft besides Daniel, right? I think they'll just be floating forever now that the island is gone. Although with the added element of time travel, I suppose anything is possible at this point.

I was thinking maybe they were close enough to the island that they were engulfed in the purple sky deal and went wherever the island went.


Also, my first thought after Ben said they had to take the coffin body with them, too: "So they have to drag a kid and a body on their adventure back to the island?" :lol

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Also, my first thought after Ben said they had to take the coffin body with them, too: "So they have to drag a kid and a body on their adventure back to the island?" :lol


"Weekend at Bernie's: The Baby Years"

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Sawyer sacrificed his spot on Lapidus' chopper to make it lighter to save fuel. But before he jumped into the drink, he tasked Kate to execute an errand for him in the real world
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I don't think that's a possibility since the helicopter would have been closer to the island than Jin if he was swimming toward it. Unless the movement of the island and its surrounding water didn't include anything in the air above it.



Lost: A Moving Ending

By Jeff Jensen


The whole article - 6 pages.

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Jeremy Bentham (15 February 1748

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Another interesting tidbit about Jeremy Bentham--when he died, he left instructions that his dressed remains would be on display at the university in a kind of thing that looks like a big phone booth. His head, I guess, didn't weather the years well, and students would steal it on a regular basis, so his head (preserved elsewhere) is a wax replica.

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