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Not a complaint (see other threads for that) but a request

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The fake encore has just become part of rock and roll. Sort of like the seemingly obligatory terrible opening band (not in Wilco's case). Or 11pm curfews. I suppose I have accepted it for what it is. I don't like it but I have accepted it.


If given the choice, I would probably give up the 2-3 songs I'd miss at every show for the 1 in 10 shows where a real encore happened. So much about shows is pre-planned that you really feel like you are part of something special when a real encore happens. The most special moments at special shows for me have been when bands took a detour off the preprinted map and did something unplanned. Or, did something to make me think they were doing something unplanned. Even if it was completely planned in advance. :)


I do agree that the venue curfew has a lot to do with this phenomenon. People pay a lot of money for shows these days and have certain expectations. To leave the stage 15 mins early and sometimes (but sometimes not) come back to play an encore seems a bit unfair.


Also, I am certain that the bands I love would come out for a real encore at every show I attend if it was based on my enthusiasm. But as we all complain, shows are filled with morons. And it seems unfair to punish the die-hards with a shorter encore (or no encore) because some asshat yelled out "Black Eye sucks" in the middle of the show. Or other folks didn't scream their heads off.

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Real encore = Gimme Three Steps, last UT song ever played live. Right? Band plays, with Bottle Rockets I think, then Jeff or Jay, somebody, says "That's gotta be it." And that was it.

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That's why I used to love Morphine so much. Mark Sandman would announce after the supposed last song of the first set that it was their last song, that he hates encores, that he's not about to walk off the stage and walk back on to pretend that the only reason he was back was because the crowd called for the band, and would just continue with the set. Basically, the band did no encores because it thought the fake ones were stupid. God, I miss Morphine.


Mark would also say maybe 3 songs in the set "We have time for a few more songs" most people would be confused. Also a fun quote I remember as people were yelling out all these request he said "Sure we will play all those songs..................just not today" He had a funny sense of humor. :thumbup

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I remember seeing Oasis back in 1995 just after What's the Story Morning Glory came out. It was at Tuxedo Junction in CT and they pretty much played all the songs from their debut and new record, thew in I'm the Walrus, then left, no encore. It was a short, loud show that left you wanting more (like Jerry/George's theory on comedy/work meetings). I saw them a while after that and remember thinking, "will they play an encore?" They did, and while they may have lapsed into the obligitory encore routine, for me, it was a nice surprise since I hadn't seen them do one before.

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Every concert I've been to, the crowd goes nuts for an encore.


If that wasn't the case all the time, then bands shouldn't feel obligated.


But, usually, the crowd is whipped into a frenzy by the last song of the set, and it's cool when the band leaves and the crowd starts stomping and clapping for more. To me, it's fun.


The 2nd encore shouldn't always be a given. But again, if the crowd's going bonkers, c'mon back for more.


I don't get the complaint. The encores....fake or not....are part of the experience of going to rock show.

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You mean they were faking? everytime? It felt so real. I thought we had something. I never liked Wilco anyway it's over. You'll find your cd's & shirts on the lawn when you get home.

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it sounds like they're not meant to be actual encores. maybe it just works best this way for the band, to have two "intermissions" for a quick pee and a sip of diet coke, you know? i mean, i've read the setlists, which i think are really generous, i've learned a lot about all kinds of other generous stuff they do, they give their fans a lot of leeway in exchanging music, they provide this terrific forum, they treat their fans well when they meet them and just about every other way i can think of. i could go on and on. oh, and on. (which IS a great song.) maybe it's because i'm a newbie as of august, but i couldn't care less whether the whole night is planned or none of it is. i'm going to my first wilco concert in new haven on the 24th, they're an amazing band and i've loved them since i first heard a sound out of jeff's mouth on "man in the sand," and to me whatever they do on the 24th will be a huge gift that i'll never forget. i do love an opera encore, but that's a different situation. how can one expect any encore from a band you guys have practically lived with to be a surprise? it can't be. however they format the concert, i imagine i'll be grateful for years and years. and years.

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I've never been wild about fake encores at all. I saw the White Stripes at Bonnaroo this past summer, and about 55 minutes into their set, they just said "goodnight!" and walked off stage. The crowd was pretty bewildered and wasn't exactly calling for an encore, but then the stripes came back out 2 minutes later to play for 30-40 more minutes. On the flip side, when Guster played with the Boston Pops a while back (2003? 2004?) the applause was so enthusiastic after they finished, that despite not having any more music prepared with the pops, they needed to play another song. They then launched into the 2nd half of their song Come Downstairs and Say Hello, which was by far the high-point of the set.


As someone in a band however, there are some definite problems with unplanned encores. I've been on stage when it's pretty clear that an unplanned encore is necessary, and in that case, it's usually pretty sloppy. It ruins the flow of the show, and at times gives you a less spectacular ending than what's hoped for. You end up having to pull out covers or older tunes which don't sound nearly as good and rehearsed as the rest of the material. So naturally, despite being extremely cliche and lame, I can absolutely understand bands planning their encores

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I've never been wild about fake encores at all. I saw the White Stripes at Bonnaroo this past summer, and about 55 minutes into their set, they just said "goodnight!" and walked off stage. The crowd was pretty bewildered and wasn't exactly calling for an encore, but then the stripes came back out 2 minutes later to play for 30-40 more minutes.

That time frame is pretty typical for them, as is the fact that it wasn't a "real" encore.

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I've never been wild about fake encores at all. I saw the White Stripes at Bonnaroo this past summer, and about 55 minutes into their set, they just said "goodnight!" and walked off stage. The crowd was pretty bewildered and wasn't exactly calling for an encore, but then the stripes came back out 2 minutes later to play for 30-40 more minutes. On the flip side, when Guster played with the Boston Pops a while back (2003? 2004?) the applause was so enthusiastic after they finished, that despite not having any more music prepared with the pops, they needed to play another song. They then launched into the 2nd half of their song Come Downstairs and Say Hello, which was by far the high-point of the set.


As someone in a band however, there are some definite problems with unplanned encores. I've been on stage when it's pretty clear that an unplanned encore is necessary, and in that case, it's usually pretty sloppy. It ruins the flow of the show, and at times gives you a less spectacular ending than what's hoped for. You end up having to pull out covers or older tunes which don't sound nearly as good and rehearsed as the rest of the material. So naturally, despite being extremely cliche and lame, I can absolutely understand bands planning their encores


I agree...


even if you sang that terrible cover of "When a Man Loves a Woman" :pirate

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As someone in a band however, there are some definite problems with unplanned encores. I've been on stage when it's pretty clear that an unplanned encore is necessary, and in that case, it's usually pretty sloppy. It ruins the flow of the show, and at times gives you a less spectacular ending than what's hoped for. You end up having to pull out covers or older tunes which don't sound nearly as good and rehearsed as the rest of the material. So naturally, despite being extremely cliche and lame, I can absolutely understand bands planning their encores


Lead singer says to bass player, "Let's see, since we aren't prepared enough to respond if the crowd wants more, let's arrange for them to 'beg for more' before we play our big hit."


It's this type of crap that is the problem and has tarnished the sanctity of the encore.

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i saw graham parker at a house concert once ... he was playing in a living room in front of 50 people


when the set was over, he got up, thanked us, walked off to huge applause, and then looked to his left and saw a foyer and looked to his right and saw a kitchen and said, "I don't know where to go until the encore!"


broke everybody up

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Okay, I am getting psyched about the Chicago residency and I am particularly happy that these shows will be without the obligatory opening act. While some openers are great (Califone being my fave) some others are less than exciting or don't translate well into larger venues (Deerhoof comes to mind.)


However I have one additional issue, which is not unique to Wilco, but which Wilco could roll back in this situation. Stop the fake encores. Feel free to take a break at the hour point and let the audience talk among ourselves for 15 minutes (we like doing that anyway), but don't act like the show is over and have us call you back and then play another hour. I prefer the old fashioned encore, one where the audience and band are nearly drained but are just so excited that we HAVE to hear another song or two to end the evening. When Camper Van Beethoven came out of retirement they played a show I saw just this way. Two sets, no encore, just left it all on stage during the regular sets and said goodbye for good.


I know the band reads this site and I am quite serious about this. Let's all take a well deserved break, so we can shmooz our neighbors, buy beer, or go to the can. The band certainly deserves a chance to get off stage and re-group too. Then lets hear the rest of the show and THEN if anyone has any energy left, lets give the band a chance to play one or two more (or not if they so choose.)


Some people here may not even know that encores are NOT a given, they used to just be something tacked on the end of a performance that was particularly noteworthy and the audience was appreciative and the musican decided to play a few extra minutes to acknowledge that response. The fake encore is bullshit.




Fake encore...yeah...those suck; however, might as well complain about the volume. It is simply a given these days.


I wonder what band first decided to do a 'fake' encore?

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Yeah when I saw them in Pittsburgh in October with my girlfriend-- this was not just her first Wilco show, but likely her first rock show-- I had to explain to her that the show wasn't over after the main set, and wasn't over again after the first encore. She said "How do you know they're coming back?" "Because the lights aren't on and they always do two encores." I only really cheered after the end of the second in hopes we could pull them out for the rare third encore. That said, I kind of like the way the band breaks up the set and the encores are usually something really special (particularly the second encore of the 9-20-2003 show which was almost another set). So even though it might be a little annoying, it also manages to work for them.





I said the EXACT same thing to D-man after his first show (which just so happened to be a Wilco show):




Made me look like a freaking genius.

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how do you stop it being a 'fake encore' and turn it into 'a break'? if you turn the house lights on people will start to leave. if you walk off, and leave the lights off, people will say it's a fake encore. i think all bands should not play more than one and a half hours in total anyway, unless it's their final gig before retirement (fake retirement, probably). how to get round taking a break without people thinking it's an encore could be sorted by putting the fact on the tickets - obviously this would mean the audience would have to restrain themselves from clapping in the gap - but, then should they clap when they come back out again? you've already clapped them the first time they came out, surely. hmmm, and what about clapping when a new song starts, or a solo is played? i vote to sit down the whole concert (that's what i like to do), unless they start making music you can actually dance to, and clap once at the start and again at the end, but then the band would say i'm not enjoying it enough - what to do? what to do?

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Man, I've missed you. Hopefully we'll get a chance to hang this time around(I'll be there for the residency shows!)

Who is this? I can't tell.. PM me.


I like it when bands play a totally unexpected cover in the encore.
That would be my suggestion. If Wilco did two sets at the residency and then throw in a cover or two (they pick good ones) for an encore, that would be very cool.


You know it is a real encore when the band is so sloppy and crazy they play some shit they have never really played before.



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You know it is a real encore when the band is so sloppy and crazy they play some shit they have never really played before.




like at that robbie fulks show....when they improvised a song to tell us it was time to go home. good times. i'm just happy brother ray got to see a real encore before they become completely extinct.

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how do you stop it being a 'fake encore' and turn it into 'a break'?


The Ryan Adams show I just went to had two sets and no encore. After the first set he said something along the lines of this is your chance to go pee and that the Cardinals would be back out in a little bit. He said it's sort of like intermission, but it worked well it seemed. Unfortunately no encore after the second set but I think it's because he was sick.

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The strangest encore I ever encountered was Better Than Ezra back in 2001 in Phili. They were sooo wasted that night. Anyways they played 45 minutes in the main set. Everyone was miffed when they walked of the stage. Then they came out and played a 90 minute encore!? It was up to that point the longest Better Than Ezra show in their history. Unfortunatly I left after 20 minutes of encore because I wasn't expecting any more.... :dontgetit

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like at that robbie fulks show....when they improvised a song to tell us it was time to go home. good times. i'm just happy brother ray got to see a real encore before they become completely extinct.

Exactly... and also the one we saw about a year before, also at Fitzgeralds, where Dave Alvin was called back and a bunch of folks played along on some standards. Very fun and very unexpected.



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