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What have you changed your mind about?

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What agendas or hype?


Global warming is real as it gets.

Let's not get into that.


I've changed my mind about the concept of happiness. For so long, I believed some people were just instinctually happy, and others were not. But I've now realized happiness to be an achievement
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Please. Scientists can't even come to a consensus on a lot of the data.


Have you seen Inconvient Truth? Facts on that show it all.


So you think the earth is just fine and we shouldnt conserve or preserve? You think chemicals and industry dont effect the environment? Was the ozone thing just a made up thing too?


If global warming isnt true, then why is it a huge focus in our country and planet? I can understand if you dont want to take part in a greener life because you are uncaring, but to deny it is true is too much.

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Please. Scientists can't even come to a consensus on a lot of the data.


I'm with you on this.




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Not to be flippant...but I have changed my mind about internet pornograpy and the general exploitation of women.


Not that I ever was a proponant of exploiting women, but I never took an active stand against it.


I have changed my about the house of cards that our economic system has become.


I have changed my mind about losing weight.

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I have changed my mind about pears. I never liked them as a kid and refused to eat them through much of my young adult life, but it turns out they are actually pretty good. Also, gorganzola.



Regarding global warming, I think the "hype" is more a media problem than a science problem. I don't think you will encounter too many scientists who doubt that human activities are having an adverse effect on the environment, but its true that there is a fair amount of debate about the specifics of the data and what the long term effects will be.(give them another century or two of data to study and a clearer picture will come into view) Of course, that's a pretty lame story to try to sell. Breathless prophecies of impending fiery doom sell more magazines.

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too bad this seemingly cool thread turned into a global warming thread...


why do you hate polar bears?

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I have changed my mind about pears. I never liked them as a kid and refused to eat them through much of my young adult life, but it turns out they are actually pretty good. Also, gorganzola.


Pears and gorgonzola together are awesome!


I've had a similar change of heart regarding mushrooms. Considering tastebuds change every seven years or so, these are pretty common mind-changes.


I've also changed my mind about people who are skeptical about global warming. They're not necessarily tree-hating dolphin-punchers. Sometimes they're people who prefer to gather information from various sources before getting all panicky.


But some of them really do love the dolphin-punching. That'll never change.

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I have changed my mind on the idea of marriage.


Although I have nothing against it and maybe one day I will be, I dont see it the same way anymore along with divorce. I dont believe in the whole "till death do us part" idea and that the commitment means you have to stay together.


I believe people grow and change, sometimes people need to move on and it shouldnt be looked down upon in one bit if done for the right reasons. Marriage is a man made institution, unnatural and benefits society and not the heart. Marriage seems to take on an ownership of a person which seems wrong. I feel like the nature of love gets lost in the idea of marriage.

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